Scotney D. Evans
Youth sense of community: Voice and power in community contexts.
SD Evans
Journal of Community Psychology 35 (6), 693-709, 2007
Youth and democracy: Participation for personal, relational, and collective well-being
SD Evans, I Prilleltensky
Youth and democracy: Participation for personal, relational, and collective …, 2007
Blending ameliorative and transformative approaches in human service organizations: A case study.
SD Evans, CE Hanlin, I Prilleltensky
Journal of Community Psychology 35 (3), 329-246, 2007
Power and action in critical theory across disciplines: implications for critical community psychology
H Davidson, SD Evans, C Ganote, J Henrickson, L Jacobs-Priebe, ...
American Journal of Community Psychology, 38, 35-49, 2006
Community psychology: In pursuit of liberation and wellbeing
M Riemer, SM Reich, SD Evans, G Nelson, I Prilleltensky
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020
Positioning the critical in community psychology.
SD Evans, P Duckett, R Lawthom, N Kivell
American Psychological Association, 2017
Partnering with Children Diagnosed with Mental Health Issues: Contributions of a Sociology of Childhood Perspective to Participatory Action Research
M Liegghio, G Nelson, SD Evans
American Journal of Community Psychology 46 (1-2), 84-99, 2010
The place and function of power in community psychology: Philosophical and practical issues
A Fisher, C Sonn, SD Evans
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 17 (4), 258-267, 2007
The community psychologist as critical friend: Promoting critical community praxis
SD Evans
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 25 (4), 355-368, 2015
Critical Community Psychology and Qualitative Research: A Conversation
G Nelson, SD Evans
Qualitative Inquiry 20 (2), 157-165, 2014
Understanding Attrition and Predicting Employment Durations of Former Staff in a Public Social Service Organization
E Thaden, L Jacobs-Priebe, SD Evans
Journal of Social Work 10 (4), 407-435, 2010
Miami thrives: Weaving a poverty reduction coalition
SD Evans, AD Rosen, SM Kesten, W Moore
American Journal of Community Psychology 53, 357-368, 2014
Hurricane risk communication: Visualization and behavioral science concepts
B Millet, AP Carter, K Broad, A Cairo, SD Evans, SJ Majumdar
Weather, climate, and society 12 (2), 193-211, 2020
Promoting strengths, prevention, empowerment, and community change through organizational development: Lessons for research, theory, and practice
SD Evans, O Prilleltensky, A McKenzie, I Prilleltensky, D Nogueras, ...
Journal of prevention & intervention in the community 39 (1), 50-64, 2010
Handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts
A Al-Krenaw, M Armstrong, K Barter, W Barton, W Bernard, F Besthorn, ...
SAGE Publications Inc., 2005
Community psychology and social justice
SD Evans, A Rosen, G Nelson
Praeger handbook of social justice and psychology, 143-163, 2014
Youth civic engagement
SD Evans, I Prilleltensky
Handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to resilience across …, 2005
Community psychology
CE Hanlin, K Bess, P Conway, SD Evans, D McCown, I Prilleltensky, ...
The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in psychology, 524-540, 2010
Community leadership
SD Evans
Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice 3 (3), 2012
Critical community pratice: An introduction to the special section
SD Evans, N Kivell, M Haarlammert, K Malhotra, A Rosen
Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology 6 (1), 1-15, 2014
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