Jonathan M. Polfus
Jonathan M. Polfus
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Complete structural model for lanthanum tungstate: a chemically stable high temperature proton conductor by means of intrinsic defects
A Magrasó, JM Polfus, C Frontera, J Canales-Vázquez, LE Kalland, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (5), 1762-1764, 2012
Defect structure and its nomenclature for mixed conducting lanthanum tungstates La28–xW4+ xO54+ 3x/2
S Erdal, LE Kalland, R Hancke, J Polfus, R Haugsrud, T Norby, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (9), 8051-8055, 2012
Carbon deposition and sulfur poisoning in SrFe0. 75Mo0. 25O3-δ and SrFe0. 5Mn0. 25Mo0. 25O3-δ electrode materials for symmetrical SOFCs
K Zheng, K Świerczek, JM Polfus, MF Sunding, M Pishahang, T Norby
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162 (9), F1078, 2015
Hydrogen separation membranes based on dense ceramic composites in the La27W5O55. 5–LaCrO3 system
JM Polfus, W Xing, ML Fontaine, C Denonville, PP Henriksen, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 479, 39-45, 2015
Solubility of transition metal interstitials in proton conducting BaZrO 3 and similar perovskite oxides
JM Polfus, ML Fontaine, A Thøgersen, M Riktor, T Norby, R Bredesen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (21), 8105-8112, 2016
Origin of fast oxide ion diffusion along grain boundaries in Sr-doped LaMnO 3
JM Polfus, B Yildiz, HL Tuller
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (28), 19142-19150, 2018
Defect chemistry of a BaZrO 3 Σ3 (111) grain boundary by first principles calculations and space–charge theory
JM Polfus, K Toyoura, F Oba, I Tanaka, R Haugsrud
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (35), 12339-12346, 2012
Surface defect chemistry of Y-substituted and hydrated BaZrO 3 with subsurface space-charge regions
JM Polfus, TS Bjørheim, T Norby, R Bredesen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (19), 7437-7444, 2016
Adsorption of CO2 and Facile Carbonate Formation on BaZrO3 Surfaces
JM Polfus, B Yildiz, HL Tuller, R Bredesen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (1), 307-314, 2018
Protons in Oxysulfides, Oxysulfates, and Sulfides: A First-Principles Study of La2O2S, La2O2SO4, SrZrS3, and BaZrS3
JM Polfus, T Norby, R Bredesen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (42), 23875-23882, 2015
Hydrogen induced vacancy clustering and void formation mechanisms at grain boundaries in palladium
JM Polfus, OM Løvvik, R Bredesen, T Peters
Acta Materialia 195, 708-719, 2020
Tracer diffusion of 96 Zr and 134 Ba in polycrystalline BaZrO 3
R Sažinas, I Sakaguchi, I Hasle, JM Polfus, R Haugsrud, MA Einarsrud, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (32), 21878-21886, 2017
Surface reactivity and cation non-stoichiometry in BaZr 1− x Y x O 3− δ (x= 0–0.2) exposed to CO 2 at elevated temperature
R Sažinas, MF Sunding, A Thøgersen, I Sakaguchi, T Norby, T Grande, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (8), 3848-3856, 2019
Doping strategies for increased oxygen permeability of CaTiO3 based membranes
JM Polfus, W Xing, MF Sunding, SM Hanetho, PI Dahl, Y Larring, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 482, 137-143, 2015
Interplay between propylene and H2S co-adsorption on the H2 flux characteristics of Pd-alloy membranes employed in propane dehydrogenation (PDH) processes
TA Peters, JM Polfus, FPF Van Berkel, R Bredesen
Chemical Engineering Journal 304, 134-140, 2016
Asymmetric tubular CaTi0. 6Fe0. 15Mn0. 25O3-δ membranes: Membrane architecture and long-term stability
W Xing, ML Fontaine, Z Li, JM Polfus, Y Larring, C Denonville, E Nonnet, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 548, 372-379, 2018
Nitrogen defects in wide band gap oxides: defect equilibria and electronic structure from first principles calculations
JM Polfus, TS Bjørheim, T Norby, R Haugsrud
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (33), 11808-11815, 2012
Performance and stability in H2S of SrFe0. 75Mo0. 25O3-δ as electrode in proton ceramic fuel cells
S Wachowski, Z Li, JM Polfus, T Norby
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 38 (1), 163-171, 2018
H2 flux inhibition and stability of Pd-Ag membranes under exposure to trace amounts of NH3
TA Peters, JM Polfus, M Stange, P Veenstra, A Nijmeijer, R Bredesen
Fuel Processing Technology 152, 259-265, 2016
Temperature‐Dependent Adhesion in van der Waals Heterostructures
JM Polfus, MB Muñiz, A Ali, DA Barragan‐Yani, PE Vullum, MF Sunding, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (20), 2100838, 2021
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