Bog Kim
Bog Kim
Professor of Physics, Pusan National University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Super-tough carbon-nanotube fibres
AB Dalton, S Collins, E Munoz, JM Razal, VH Ebron, JP Ferraris, ...
Nature 423 (6941), 703-703, 2003
A new parameter to control heat transport in nanofluids: surface charge state of the particle in suspension
D Lee, JW Kim, BG Kim
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (9), 4323-4328, 2006
Graphyne: Hexagonal network of carbon with versatile Dirac cones
BG Kim, HJ Choi
Physical Review B 86 (11), 115435, 2012
Dominant mobility modulation by the electric field effect at the LaAlO 3/SrTiO 3 interface
C Bell, S Harashima, Y Kozuka, M Kim, BG Kim, Y Hikita, HY Hwang
Physical review letters 103 (22), 226802, 2009
Improving the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube sheets by intercalation of polymeric adhesives
JN Coleman, WJ Blau, AB Dalton, E Munoz, S Collins, BG Kim, J Razal, ...
Applied physics letters 82 (11), 1682-1684, 2003
Continuous carbon nanotube composite fibers: properties, potential applications, and problems
V HowardáEbron
Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (1), 1-3, 2004
Atomic-scale images of charge ordering in a mixed-valence manganite
C Renner, G Aeppli, BG Kim, YA Soh, SW Cheong
Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0204146, 2002
Two-dimensional normal-state quantum oscillations in a superconducting heterostructure
Y Kozuka, M Kim, C Bell, BG Kim, Y Hikita, HY Hwang
Nature 462 (7272), 487-490, 2009
Martensitic accommodation strain and the metal-insulator transition in manganites
V Podzorov, BG Kim, V Kiryukhin, ME Gershenson, SW Cheong
Physical Review B 64 (14), 140406, 2001
Giant dielectric permittivity observed in Pb-based perovskite ferroelectrics
BG Kim, SM Cho, TY Kim, HM Jang
Physical review letters 86 (15), 3404, 2001
Highly conducting carbon nanotube/polyethyleneimine composite fibers
E Muñoz, DS Suh, S Collins, M Selvidge, AB Dalton, BG Kim, JM Razal, ...
Advanced Materials 17 (8), 1064-1067, 2005
Writing polarization bits on the multiferroic BiMnO 3 thin film using Kelvin probe force microscope
JY Son, BG Kim, CH Kim, JH Cho
Applied physics letters 84 (24), 4971-4973, 2004
Griffiths phase and thermomagnetic irreversibility behavior in slightly electron-doped manganites Sm 1− x Ca x MnO 3 (0.80≤ x≤ 0.92)
P Tong, B Kim, D Kwon, T Qian, SI Lee, SW Cheong, BG Kim
Physical Review B 77 (18), 184432, 2008
Multifunctional carbon nanotube composite fibers
E Munoz, AB Dalton, S Collins, M Kozlov, J Razal, JN Coleman, BG Kim, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 6 (10), 801-804, 2004
Multiphase segregation and metal-insulator transition in single crystal La 5/8-y Pr y Ca 3/8 MnO 3
V Kiryukhin, BG Kim, V Podzorov, SW Cheong, TY Koo, JP Hill, I Moon, ...
Physical Review B 63 (2), 024420, 2000
Magnetic relaxation in La 0.250 Pr 0.375 Ca 0.375 MnO 3 with varying phase separation
IG Deac, SV Diaz, BG Kim, SW Cheong, P Schiffer
Physical Review B 65 (17), 174426, 2002
Optical evidence of multiphase coexistence in single crystalline (L a, P r, C a) MnO 3
HJ Lee, KH Kim, MW Kim, TW Noh, BG Kim, TY Koo, SW Cheong, ...
Physical Review B 65 (11), 115118, 2002
Carbon allotropes with triple bond predicted by first-principle calculation: Triple bond modified diamond and T-carbon
JY Jo, BG Kim
Physical Review B 86 (7), 075151, 2012
Percolative Superconductivity in M g 1-x B 2
PA Sharma, N Hur, Y Horibe, CH Chen, BG Kim, S Guha, MZ Cieplak, ...
Physical review letters 89 (16), 167003, 2002
Anomalous field-dependent specific heat in charge-ordered Pr 1-x Ca x MnO 3 and La 0.5 Ca 0.5 MnO 3
VN Smolyaninova, A Biswas, X Zhang, KH Kim, BG Kim, SW Cheong, ...
Physical Review B 62 (10), R6093, 2000
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