Julie Morand-Ferron
Julie Morand-Ferron
Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Ottawa
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Experimentally induced innovations lead to persistent culture via conformity in wild birds
LM Aplin, DR Farine, J Morand-Ferron, A Cockburn, A Thornton, ...
Nature 518 (7540), 538-541, 2015
Individual personalities predict social behaviour in wild networks of great tits (Parus major)
LM Aplin, DR Farine, J Morand‐Ferron, EF Cole, A Cockburn, ...
Ecology letters 16 (11), 1365-1372, 2013
Social networks predict patch discovery in a wild population of songbirds
LM Aplin, DR Farine, J Morand-Ferron, BC Sheldon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1745), 4199-4205, 2012
Technical innovations drive the relationship between innovativeness and residual brain size in birds
SE Overington, J Morand-Ferron, NJ Boogert, L Lefebvre
Animal Behaviour 78 (4), 1001-1010, 2009
Studying the evolutionary ecology of cognition in the wild: a review of practical and conceptual challenges
J Morand‐Ferron, EF Cole, JL Quinn
Biological Reviews 91 (2), 367-389, 2016
Cognitive ability influences reproductive life history variation in the wild
EF Cole, J Morand-Ferron, AE Hinks, JL Quinn
Current Biology 22 (19), 1808-1812, 2012
Measuring and understanding individual differences in cognition
NJ Boogert, JR Madden, J Morand-Ferron, A Thornton
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Milk bottles revisited: social learning and individual variation in the blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus
LM Aplin, BC Sheldon, J Morand-Ferron
Animal Behaviour 85 (6), 1225-1232, 2013
Larger groups of passerines are more efficient problem solvers in the wild
J Morand-Ferron, JL Quinn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (38), 15898-15903, 2011
Who are the innovators? A field experiment with 2 passerine species
J Morand-Ferron, EF Cole, JEC Rawles, JL Quinn
Behavioral Ecology 22 (6), 1241-1248, 2011
The repeatability of cognitive performance: a meta-analysis
M Cauchoix, PKY Chow, JO Van Horik, CM Atance, EJ Barbeau, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Animal and human innovation: novel problems and novel solutions
SM Reader, J Morand-Ferron, E Flynn
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Food stealing in birds: brain or brawn?
J Morand-Ferron, D Sol, L Lefebvre
Animal Behaviour 74 (6), 1725-1734, 2007
Cognition in the field: comparison of reversal learning performance in captive and wild passerines
M Cauchoix, E Hermer, AS Chaine, J Morand-Ferron
Scientific reports 7 (1), 12945, 2017
Why learn? The adaptive value of associative learning in wild populations
J Morand-Ferron
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 16, 73-79, 2017
Taking the operant paradigm into the field: associative learning in wild great tits
J Morand-Ferron, S Hamblin, EF Cole, LM Aplin, JL Quinn
PloS one 10 (8), e0133821, 2015
Individual and ecological determinants of social information transmission in the wild
TB Jones, LM Aplin, I Devost, J Morand-Ferron
Animal Behaviour 129, 93-101, 2017
Integrating GIS and homing experiments to study avian movement costs
A Desrochers, M Bélisle, J Morand-Ferron, J Bourque
Landscape Ecology 26, 47-58, 2011
Environmental and genetic determinants of innovativeness in a natural population of birds
JL Quinn, EF Cole, TE Reed, J Morand-Ferron
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Learning in a game context: strategy choice by some keeps learning from evolving in others
F Dubois, J Morand-Ferron, LA Giraldeau
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1700), 3609-3616, 2010
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