Reza Hasanzadeh Ghasemi
Reza Hasanzadeh Ghasemi
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering- Hakim Sabzevari University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Cavity control of Prefoldin nano actuator (PNA) by temperature and pH
A Shokuhfar, A Ghaffari, RH Ghasemi
Nano-Micro Letters 4, 110-117, 2012
Capturing and releasing a nano cargo by Prefoldin nano actuator
A Ghaffari, A Shokuhfar, RH Ghasemi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 171, 1199-1206, 2012
Prefoldin: a nano actuator for carrying the various size nano drugs
A Ghaffari, A Shokuhfar, RH Ghasemi
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 8 (10), 2078-2086, 2011
Design and simulation of a DNA origami nanopore for large cargoes
R Khosravi, RH Ghasemi, R Soheilifard
Molecular Biotechnology 62 (9), 423-432, 2020
Design and simulation of a novel bio nano actuator by prefoldin
A Ghaffari, A Shokuhfar, RH Ghasemi
10th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, 885-888, 2010
Design, molecular dynamics simulation, and investigation of the mechanical behavior of DNA origami nanotubes with auxetic and honeycomb structures
M Mogheiseh, E Etemadi, R Hasanzadeh Ghasemi
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 41 (24), 14822-14831, 2023
Modelling and structural investigation of a new DNA Origami based flexible bio-nano joint
S Dastorani, M Mogheiseh, RH Ghasemi, R Soheilifard
Molecular Simulation 46 (13), 994-1003, 2020
The effect of crossovers on the stability of DNA origami type nanocarriers
M Mogheiseh, R Hasanzadeh Ghasemi, R Soheilifard
Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 17 (2), 426-436, 2021
Prefoldin β1: a new bio-nanorobots component
M Askarian, M Moavenian, RH Ghasemi
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 5 (9), 895-904, 2013
A molecular dynamics investigation of the effects of mutation on Prefoldin nano actuator in inhibiting amyloid β42-dimer
M Keramati, RH Ghasemi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 248, 536-544, 2017
Study of interaction between Prefoldin nano actuator and amyloid beta dimeric pathogenetic cargo with MD simulation
M Keramati, R Hasanzadeh Ghasemi
Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (7), 385-391, 2016
Representation of an autonomous underwater vehicle and trajectory controller design for in-water ship hull inspection
F Shamshiri Amirkolaii, R Hasanzadeh Ghasemi
Modares Mechanical Engineering 15 (10), 12-22, 2016
The effect of structure on improvement of the PNA Young modulus: A study of steered molecular dynamics
RH Ghasemi, M Keramati, MHS Mojarrad
Computational Biology and Chemistry 83, 107133, 2019
Equipping of a Hovering Type Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Ballast Tanks and its effect on Degrees of Freedom
A Karimi, RH Ghasemi
Modares Mechanical Engineering 17 (7), 397, 2017
An analysis of the capturing and passing ability of a DNA origami nanocarrier with the aid of molecular dynamics simulation
M Mogheiseh, RH Ghasemi
Molecular Biotechnology 65 (8), 1287-1295, 2023
A study on the bending stiffness of a new DNA origami nano-joint
S Dastorani, RH Ghasemi, R Soheilifard
Molecular Biotechnology 63, 1057-1067, 2021
Design a protein gripper to capture a hydrophobic cargo
R Hasanzadeh Ghasemi, M Keramati
IET Nanobiotechnology 13 (5), 546-552, 2019
Depth controll of a HAUV with ballast tank
A Karimi, RH Ghasemi
18th Marine Industries Conference, 2016
Inspection of undersea oil and gas pipelines by new variable thrust vector underwater robotic platform
A Kadkhodaei, RH Ghasemi
Marine Engineering 12 (24), 127-133, 2017
Molecular dynamics studies of a novel nano actuator based on archaeal prefoldin
A Ghaffari, RH Ghasemi, A Shokuhfar
The 17th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Isfahan, Iran, 2010
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