Jannatul Ferdous
Jannatul Ferdous
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Temporal dynamics of land use/land cover change and its prediction using CA-ANN model for southwestern coastal Bangladesh
MTU Rahman, F Tabassum, M Rasheduzzaman, H Saba, L Sarkar, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-18, 2017
Integration of LCA, TEA, Process Simulation and Optimization: A systematic review of current practices and scope to propose a framework for pulse processing pathways
J Ferdous, F Bensebaa, N Pelletier
Journal of Cleaner Production 402, 136804, 2023
Detection of total dissolved solids from Landsat 8 OLI image in coastal Bangladesh
J Ferdous, MTU Rahman, SK Ghosh
The Proceedings of The International Conference on Climate Change 3 (1), 35-44, 2019
Spatio-temporal variation and prediction of land use based on CA-Markov of southwestern coastal district of Bangladesh
MTU Rahman, J Ferdous
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 24, 100609, 2021
Developing an empirical model from Landsat data series for monitoring water salinity in coastal Bangladesh
J Ferdous, MTU Rahman
Journal of environmental management 255, 109861, 2020
Study on the factors influencing residential location choice of the Garments workers of Mirpur, Dhaka City
S Shawal, J Ferdous
International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research 1 (6), 73-86, 2014
Temporal dynamics and relationship of land use land cover and land surface temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh
J Ferdous, MTU Rahman
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on civil engineering for …, 2018
Manure valorization using black soldier fly larvae: a review of current systems, production characteristics, utilized feed substrates, and bioconversion and nitrogen conversion …
F Grassauer, J Ferdous, N Pelletier
Sustainability 15 (16), 12177, 2023
Development of a generic decision tree for the integration of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) and multi-objective optimization (MOO) methods under uncertainty to …
J Ferdous, F Bensebaa, AS Milani, K Hewage, P Bhowmik, N Pelletier
Sustainability 16 (7), 2684, 2024
A systematic review of potential productivity, egg quality, and animal welfare implications of extended lay cycles in commercial laying hens in Canada
V Arulnathan, I Turner, N Bamber, J Ferdous, F Grassauer, M Doyon, ...
Poultry Science 103 (4), 103475, 2024
Applicability of Landsat TM Images to Detect Soil Salinity of Coastal Areas in Bangladesh
J Ferdous, MTU Rahman
Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications: Proceedings of …, 2019
Evaluating different salinity indices for soil salinity mapping of coastal region of Bangladesh
J Ferdous, MTU Rahman
IEEE R10HTC, 2017
Mirpur Benarasi Palli of Bangladesh: Living and Livelihood of Weavers
J Ferdous, S Shawal, TT Badhon
International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research 1 (6), 87-97, 2014
Farmers Perception and Salinity Driven Fresh Water Scarcity in Coastal Bangladesh
MA Habib, MTU Rahman, J Ferdous, MM Hoque, M Rasheduzzaman
Towards Water Secure Societies: Coping with Water Scarcity and Quality …, 2021
Life cycle inventory and assessment of Canadian faba bean and dry bean production
N Bamber, V Arulnathan, L Puddu, A Smart, J Ferdous, N Pelletier
Sustainable Production and Consumption 46, 442-459, 2024
Use of process simulation to obtain life cycle inventory data for LCA: A systematic review
J Ferdous, F Bensebaa, K Hewage, P Bhowmik, N Pelletier
Cleaner Environmental Systems, 100215, 2024
Developing a methodological framework for consequential life cycle assessment with an illustrative application to plant protein extraction
J Ferdous, F Bensebaa, K Hewage, P Bhowmik, N Pelletier
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2024
Mitigation strategies to reduce GHG emission from agriculture, livestock and forestry in Bangladesh.
F Tasnim, T Tasfia, S Fariba, B Poushali, F Jannatul, S Shammi
International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental …, 2014
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