C. Leigh Nelson
C. Leigh Nelson
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The relationship between exposure to televised messages about paranormal phenomena and paranormal beliefs
GG Sparks, CL Nelson, RG Campbell
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 41 (3), 345-359, 1997
Value acceptance in adolescent socialization: A test of a cognitive‐functional theory of television effects
A Tan, L Nelson, Q Dong, G Tan
Communications Monographs 64 (1), 82-97, 1997
Influences of ethnicity, family communication, and media on adolescents’ socialization to US politics
EW Austin, CL Nelson
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 37 (4), 419-435, 1993
Classroom community, pedagogical effectiveness, and learning outcomes associated with Twitter use in undergraduate marketing courses.
T Clarke, CL Nelson
Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education 20 (2), 1-10, 2012
Depression and anxiety stigma, shame, and communication about mental health among college students: Implications for communication with students
HJ Carmack, CL Nelson, TM Hocke-Mirzashvili, EM Fife
College Student Affairs Journal 36 (1), 68-79, 2018
The influence of family communication patterns on religious orientation among college students
EM Fife, C Leigh Nelson, AS Messersmith
Journal of Family Communication 14 (1), 72-84, 2014
Family communication, privacy, and Facebook
EM Fife, LA LaCava, CL Nelson
The Journal of Social Media in Society 2 (1), 2013
" Risky Business": The College Transition, Loneliness, and Alcohol Consumption
E McBroom, E Fife, C Nelson
Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition 20 (2), 45-64, 2008
Problematic parental drinking and health: Investigating differences in adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) status, health locus of control, and health self efficacy
ST Richards, CL Nelson
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 5 (2), 84-90, 2012
I need help: Help seeking behaviors, communication anxiety, and communication center usage
CL Nelson, TS Whitfield, M Moreau
Basic Communication Course Annual 24, 155-188, 2012
When you stalk me, please don’t tell me about it: Facebook and Expectancy Violation Theory
E Fife, CL Nelson, K Bayles
The Kentucky Journal of Communication 28 (1), 41-54, 2009
Online technological media in the higher education classroom: An exploratory investigation of varied levels of Twitter use
E Fife, CL Nelson, TB Clarke
International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) 4 (2), 35-45, 2014
A new horizon for a classic perspective: Facebook and Expectancy Violation Theory
E Fife, CL Nelson, K Zhang
Journal of the Communication, Speech & Theatre Association of North Dakota …, 2013
The Influence of Traditional and Modern Learning Spaces on Pedagogical Affect, Classroom Community, and Learning Outcomes for Marketing Students.
TB Clarke, CL Nelson, SR Gallagher
Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education 28 (1), 2020
Misconceptions and beliefs about communication: Are there differences between majors and non-majors?
EM Fife, CL Nelson
Texas Speech Communication Journal 33 (1), 35-43, 2008
Does watching television actually make one nicer? The use of conflict management message styles
CL Nelson, EM Fife, CW Woo
Communication Research Reports 33 (1), 81-86, 2016
“I don't have time for this”: Time perspectives and conflict management message styles
E Fife, CL Nelson
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 41 (4), 475-489, 2024
22024 A validity exercise
CL Nelson, EM Fife
Communication Teacher 27 (1), 6-10, 2013
Watching, Scheming, and Drinking: The Relationships Among Television Exposure, Vengefulness, and Alcohol Use
CL Nelson, RK Mitchell, EM Fife
Journal of the Communication, Speech & Theatre Association of North Dakota …, 2009
Chronic nitrous oxide exposure: occupational hazards in dentistry.
CL Nelson
Alumni Bulletin-School of Dentistry, Indiana University 1 (3), 9-11, 1987
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