Puy Ayarza
Puy Ayarza
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Crustal structure of the transpressional Variscan orogen of SW Iberia: SW Iberia deep seismic reflection profile (IBERSEIS)
JF Simancas, R Carbonell, F González Lodeiro, A Pérez Estaún, C Juhlin, ...
Tectonics 22 (6), 2003
Lithospheric structure under the western African‐European plate boundary: A transect across the Atlas Mountains and the Gulf of Cadiz
H Zeyen, P Ayarza, M Fernàndez, A Rimi
Tectonics 24 (2), 2005
Effects of mantle upwelling in a compressional setting: the Atlas Mountains of Morocco
A Teixell, P Ayarza, H Zeyen, M Fernandez, ML Arboleya
Terra Nova 17 (5), 456-461, 2005
Crustal structure and evolution of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian belt: A review and new interpretations from recent concepts and data
A Teixell, P Labaume, P Ayarza, N Espurt, M de Saint Blanquat, ...
Tectonophysics 724, 146-170, 2018
The late Variscan HT/LP metamorphic event in NW and Central Iberia: relationships to crustal thickening, extension, orocline development and crustal evolution
JRM Catalán, FJR Pascual, AD Montes, RD Fernández, JG Barreiro, ...
Crustal structure under the central High Atlas Mountains (Morocco) from geological and gravity data
P Ayarza, F Alvarez-Lobato, A Teixell, ML Arboleya, E Teson, M Julivert, ...
Tectonophysics 400 (1-4), 67-84, 2005
Seismic structure of the northern continental margin of Spain from ESCIN deep seismic profiles
J Alvarez-Marrón, A Pérez-Estaún, JJ Danñobeitia, JA Pulgar, ...
Tectonophysics 264 (1-4), 153-174, 1996
Geophysical evidence of a mantle derived intrusion in SW Iberia
R Carbonell, F Simancas, C Juhlin, J Pous, A Pérez‐Estaún, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (11), 2004
TRASNSMED-transect I [Betics, Alboran Sea, Rif, Moroccan Meseta, High Atlas, Jbel Saghro, Tindouf basin]
D Frizon de Lamotte, A Crespo-Blanc, B Saint-Bezar, M Comas, ...
Cavazza W., Roure F., Spakman W., Stampfli GM & Ziegler PA (éds.)–The …, 2004
Nature of the lithosphere across the Variscan orogen of SW Iberia: Dense wide‐angle seismic reflection data
I Palomeras, R Carbonell, I Flecha, F Simancas, P Ayarza, J Matas, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B2), 2009
Crustal thickness and velocity structure across the Moroccan Atlas from long offset wide‐angle reflection seismic data: The SIMA experiment
P Ayarza, R Carbonell, A Teixell, I Palomeras, D Martí, A Kchikach, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (5), 1698-1717, 2014
Structure and evolution of the Magnitogorsk forearc basin: Identifying upper crustal processes during arc‐continent collision in the southern Urals
D Brown, J Alvarez‐Marron, A Perez‐Estaun, V Puchkov, Y Gorozhanina, ...
Tectonics 20 (3), 364-375, 2001
Imaging the crustal structure of the Central Iberian Zone (Variscan Belt): The ALCUDIA deep seismic reflection transect
D Martínez Poyatos, R Carbonell, I Palomeras, JF Simancas, P Ayarza, ...
Tectonics 31 (3), 2012
Estudio Sísmico de la Corteza Ibérica Norte 3.3: A seismic image of the Variscan crust in the hinterland of the NW Iberian Massif
P Ayarza, JRM Catalán, J Gallart, JA Pulgar, JJ Dañobeitia
Tectonics 17 (2), 171-186, 1998
Transpressional collision tectonics and mantle plume dynamics: the Variscides of southwestern Iberia
JF Simancas, R Carbonell, FG Lodeiro, AP Estaún, C Juhlin, P Ayarza, ...
A seismic geotraverse across the Iberian Variscides: Orogenic shortening, collisional magmatism, and orocline development
JF Simancas, P Ayarza, A Azor, R Carbonell, D Martínez Poyatos, ...
Tectonics 32 (3), 417-432, 2013
3D geological characterization of the Hontomín CO2 storage site, Spain: Multidisciplinary approach from seismic, well-log and regional data
J Alcalde, I Marzán, E Saura, D Martí, P Ayarza, C Juhlin, A Pérez-Estaún, ...
Tectonophysics 627, 6-25, 2014
Curie point depth of the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding margins. A thermal and tectonic perspective of its evolution
J Andrés, I Marzán, P Ayarza, D Martí, I Palomeras, M Torné, S Campbell, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (3), 2049-2068, 2018
Integrated geological and geophysical studies in the SG4 borehole area, Tagil Volcanic Arc, Middle Urals: Location of seismic reflectors and source of the reflectivity
P Ayarza, C Juhlin, D Brown, M Beckholmen, G Kimbell, R Pechnig, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B9), 21333-21352, 2000
Geophysical constraints on the deep structure of a limited ocean‐continent subduction zone at the North Iberian Margin
P Ayarza, JR Martínez Catalán, J Alvarez‐Marrón, H Zeyen, C Juhlin
Tectonics 23 (1), 2004
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