Influences of floral variation on pollen removal and seed production in wild radish HJ Young, ML Stanton Ecology 71 (2), 536-547, 1990 | 391 | 1990 |
Alternative outcomes of natural and experimental high pollen loads HJ Young, TP Young Ecology 73 (2), 639-647, 1992 | 230 | 1992 |
Influence of environmental quality on pollen competitive ability in wild radish HJ Young, ML Stanton Science 248 (4963), 1631-1633, 1990 | 211 | 1990 |
Diurnal and nocturnal pollination of Silene alba (Caryophyllaceae) HJ Young American Journal of Botany 89 (3), 433-440, 2002 | 208 | 2002 |
Public nutrition in complex emergencies H Young, A Borrel, D Holland, P Salama The Lancet 364 (9448), 1899-1909, 2004 | 195 | 2004 |
Beetle pollination of Dieffenbachia longispatha (Araceae) HJ Young American Journal of Botany 73 (6), 931-944, 1986 | 194 | 1986 |
Consequences of floral variation for male and female reproduction in experimental populations of wild radish, Raphanus sativus L M Stanton, HJ Young, NC Ellstrand, JM Clegg Evolution 45 (2), 268-280, 1991 | 183 | 1991 |
Darfur: Livelihoods under siege H Young, AMK Osman, Y Aklilu, R Dale, B Badri, AJA Fuddle Feinstein International Famine Center, 2005 | 149 | 2005 |
Risk and vulnerability in Ethiopia: Learning from the past, responding to the present, preparing for the future S Lautze, Y Aklilu, A Raven-Roberts, H Young, G Kebede, J Leaning Report for the US Agency for International Development. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2003 | 120 | 2003 |
Differential importance of beetle species pollinating Dieffenbachia longispatha (Araceae) HJ Young Ecology 69 (3), 832-844, 1988 | 115 | 1988 |
Food-security assessments in emergencies: a livelihoods approach H Young, S Jaspers, R Brown, J Frize, H Khogali Overseas Development Institute, 2001 | 107 | 2001 |
Foraging behavior affects pollen removal and deposition in Impatiens capensis (Balsaminaceae) HJ Young, DW Dunning, KW von Hasseln American Journal of Botany 94 (7), 1267-1271, 2007 | 85 | 2007 |
Selecting for floral character associations in wild radish, Raphanus sativus L. M Stanton, HJ Young Journal of Evolutionary Biology 7 (3), 271-285, 1994 | 82 | 1994 |
Local distribution of C3 and C4 grasses in sites of overlap on Mount Kenya HJ Young, TP Young Oecologia 58, 373-377, 1983 | 82 | 1983 |
Livelihoods, natural resources, and post-conflict peacebuilding H Young, L Goldman Routledge, 2015 | 78 | 2015 |
Temporal and spatial variation in heritability and genetic correlations among floral traits in Raphanus sativus, wild radish HJ Young, ML Stanton, NC Ellstrand, JM Clegg Heredity 73 (3), 298-308, 1994 | 75 | 1994 |
Nutrition Matters: People, Food and Famine H Young, S Jaspars Intermediate Technology Publications ITP, 1995 | 72 | 1995 |
Risk and vulnerability in Ethiopia: Learning from the past, responding to the present S Lautze, Y Aklilu, A Raven-Roberts, H Young, G Kebede, J Leaning Preparing for the Future, 2003 | 69 | 2003 |
Livelihoods, power and choice: the vulnerability of the Northern Rizaygat, Darfur, Sudan H Young, AM Osman, AM Abusin, M Asher, O Egemi Feinstein International Center, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and …, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Nutrition, disease and death in times of famine H Young, S Jaspars Disasters 19 (2), 94-109, 1995 | 63 | 1995 |