Jingde Li
A state-of-the-art review of road tunnel subjected to blast loads
R Cheng, W Chen, H Hao, J Li
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 112, 103911, 2021
Vented methane-air explosion overpressure calculation—A simplified approach based on CFD
J Li, F Hernandez, H Hao, Q Fang, H Xiang, Z Li, X Zhang, L Chen
Process safety and environmental protection 109, 489-508, 2017
Robust data-driven model to study dispersion of vapor cloud in offshore facility
J Shi, F Khan, Y Zhu, J Li, G Chen
Ocean Engineering 161, 98-110, 2018
Numerical and analytical prediction of pressure and impulse from vented gas explosion in large cylindrical tanks
J Li, H Hao
Process safety and environmental protection 127, 226-244, 2019
Prediction of BLEVE blast loading using CFD and artificial neural network
J Li, Q Li, H Hao, L Li
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 149, 711-723, 2021
New correlation for vapor cloud explosion overpressure calculation at congested configurations
J Li, M Abdel-jawad, G Ma
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 31, 16-25, 2014
Internal and external pressure prediction of vented gas explosion in large rooms by using analytical and CFD methods
J Li, H Hao
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 49, 367-381, 2017
Far-field pressure prediction of a vented gas explosion from storage tanks by using new CFD simulation guidance
J Li, H Hao
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 119, 360-378, 2018
Numerical study of medium to large scale BLEVE for blast wave prediction
J Li, H Hao
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 65, 104107, 2020
Optimal blast wall layout design to mitigate gas dispersion and explosion on a cylindrical FLNG platform
J Li, G Ma, H Hao, Y Huang
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 49, 481-492, 2017
Experimental and computational fluid dynamics study of separation gap effect on gas explosion mitigation for methane storage tanks
J Li, H Hao, Y Shi, Q Fang, Z Li, L Chen
Journal of loss prevention in the process industries 55, 359-380, 2018
Numerical simulation of medium to large scale BLEVE and the prediction of BLEVE’s blast wave in obstructed environment
J Li, H Hao
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 145, 94-109, 2021
Prediction of BLEVE loads on structures using machine learning and CFD
Q Li, Y Wang, L Li, H Hao, R Wang, J Li
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 171, 914-925, 2023
A simplified statistic-based procedure for gas dispersion prediction of fixed offshore platform
J Shi, J Li, Y Zhu, H Hao, G Chen, B Xie
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 114, 48-63, 2018
Stochastic analysis of explosion risk for ultra-deep-water semi-submersible offshore platforms
J Shi, Y Zhu, D Kong, F Khan, J Li, G Chen
Ocean Engineering 172, 844-856, 2019
Multi-level explosion risk analysis (MLERA) for accidental gas explosion events in super-large FLNG facilities
Y Huang, G Ma, J Li
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 45, 242–254, 2017
Gas dispersion risk analysis of safety gap effect on the innovating FLNG vessel with a cylindrical platform
J Li, G Ma, M Abdel-jawad, Y Huang
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 40, 304-316, 2016
Accuracy improvement in evaluation of gas explosion overpressures in congestions with safety gaps
G Ma, J Li, M Abdel-jawad
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32, 358-366, 2014
Effect of internal explosion on tunnel secondary and adjacent structures: A review
R Cheng, W Chen, H Hao, J Li
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 126, 104536, 2022
Dynamic response of road tunnel subjected to internal Boiling liquid expansion vapour explosion (BLEVE)
R Cheng, W Chen, H Hao, J Li
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 123, 104363, 2022
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