Ary Santos-Pinto
Ary Santos-Pinto
Prof. Dr. Depart. Clínica Infantil - Ortodontia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - Unesp
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Morphological and positional asymmetries of young children with functional unilateral posterior crossbite
AS Pinto, PH Buschang, GS Throckmorton, P Chen
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 120 (5), 513-520, 2001
Esthetic influence of negative space in the buccal corridor during smiling
DE Ritter, LG Gandini Jr, AS Pinto, A Locks
The Angle Orthodontist 76 (2), 198-203, 2006
Upper lip changes correlated to maxillary incisor retraction—a metallic implant study
AL Ramos, M Tatsuei Sakima, A dos Santos Pinto, SJ Bowman
The Angle Orthodontist 75 (4), 499-505, 2005
Condylar growth and glenoid fossa displacement during childhood and adolescence
PH Buschang, A Santos-Pinto
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 113 (4), 437-442, 1998
Changes in the masticatory cycle following treatment of posterior unilateral crossbite in children
GS Throckmorton, PH Buschang, H Hayasaki, AS Pinto
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 120 (5), 521-529, 2001
Maxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation and mandibular advancement with TMJ Concepts® total joint prostheses: Part I-Skeletal and dental stability
KED Coleta, LM Wolford, JR Gonçalves, A dos Santos Pinto, LP Pinto, ...
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 38 (2), 126-138, 2009
Postsurgical stability of counterclockwise maxillomandibular advancement surgery: affect of articular disc repositioning
JR Gonçalves, DS Cassano, LM Wolford, A Santos-Pinto, IM Márquez
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 66 (4), 724-738, 2008
Analysis of the smile photograph
DE Ritter, LG Gandini Jr, S Pinto Ados, DB Ravelli, A Locks
World J Orthod 7 (3), 279-85, 2006
Occurrence of skeletal malocclusions in Brazilian patients with dentofacial deformities
EM Boeck, N Lunardi, AS Pinto, KEDC Pizzol, RJ Boeck Neto
Brazilian dental journal 22, 340-345, 2011
Incremental growth charts for condylar growth between 6 and 16 years of age
PH Buschang, A Santos-Pinto, A Demirjian
The European Journal of Orthodontics 21 (2), 167-173, 1999
Clinical and microbiological studies of children and adolescents receiving orthodontic treatment.
RO Rego, CA Oliveira, A dos Santos-Pinto, SF Jordan, JJ Zambon, ...
American journal of dentistry 23 (6), 317, 2010
Volumetric upper airway assessment in patients with transverse maxillary deficiency after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion
VA Pereira-Filho, MS Monnazzi, MAC Gabrielli, R Spin-Neto, ...
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 43 (5), 581-586, 2014
Cutting characteristics of dental diamond burs made with CVD technology
LM Lima, C Motisuki, L Santos-Pinto, A Santos-Pinto, EJ Corat
Brazilian oral research 20, 155-161, 2006
Evaluation of factors related to the success of miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion
CB Oliveira, P Ayub, F Angelieri, WH Murata, SS Suzuki, DB Ravelli, ...
The Angle Orthodontist 91 (2), 187-194, 2021
Systematic Review Craniocervical posture and craniofacial morphology
LCR Gomes, KOC Horta, JR Gonçalves, A dos Santos-Pinto
The European Journal of Orthodontics 36 (1), 55-66, 2014
Microimplant assisted rapid palatal expansion vs surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion for maxillary transverse discrepancy treatment
CB de Oliveira, P Ayub, IM Ledra, WH Murata, SS Suzuki, DB Ravelli, ...
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 159 (6), 733-742, 2021
Differences in bite force between dolichofacial and brachyfacial individuals: Side of mastication, gender, weight and height
PR Quiudini, DH Pozza, A dos Santos Pinto, MF de Arruda, ...
Journal of prosthodontic research 61 (3), 283-289, 2017
Evaluation of cutting patterns produced in primary teeth by an air-abrasion system.
C Peruchi, L Santos-Pinto, A Santos-Pinto, E Barbosa e Silva
Quintessence international 33 (4), 2002
Influence of the cranial base flexion on Class I, II and III malocclusions: a systematic review
KCM Almeida, TB Raveli, CIV Vieira, A Santos-Pinto, DB Raveli
Dental press journal of orthodontics 22 (05), 56-66, 2017
Effects of age and gender on upper airway, lower airway and upper lip growth
RC Gonçalves, DB Raveli, AS Pinto
Brazilian oral research 25, 241-247, 2011
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