Philip E Buschmann
Philip E Buschmann
SINTEF Digital
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Exceptional points in the thermoacoustic spectrum
GA Mensah, L Magri, CF Silva, PE Buschmann, JP Moeck
Journal of Sound and Vibration 433, 124-128, 2018
Intrinsic thermoacoustic modes in an annular combustion chamber
PE Buschmann, GA Mensah, JP Moeck
Combustion and Flame 214, 251-262, 2020
Solution of thermoacoustic eigenvalue problems with a noniterative method
PE Buschmann, GA Mensah, F Nicoud, JP Moeck
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142 (3), 031022, 2020
Reduced-order modelling of thermoacoustic instabilities in can-annular combustors
A Orchini, T Pedergnana, PE Buschmann, JP Moeck, N Noiray
Journal of Sound and Vibration 526, 116808, 2022
Thermoacoustic oscillations in a can-annular model combustor with asymmetries in the can-to-can coupling
PE Buschmann, NA Worth, JP Moeck
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (4), 5707-5715, 2023
Solution of thermoacoustic eigenvalue problems with a non-iterative method
PE Buschmann, GA Mensah, F Nicoud, JP Moeck
Turbo expo: power for land, sea, and air 58615, V04AT04A051, 2019
The nonlinear thermoacoustic eigenvalue problem and its rational approximations: assessment of solution strategies
M Merk, PE Buschmann, JP Moeck, W Polifke
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 145 (2), 021028, 2023
Iterative solvers for the thermoacoustic nonlinear eigenvalue problem and their convergence properties
GA Mensah, PE Buschmann, A Orchini
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 14 (1-2), 30-41, 2022
A subspace-accelerated method for solving nonlinear thermoacoustic eigenvalue problems
GA Mensah, A Orchini, PE Buschmann, L Grubišić
Journal of sound and vibration 520, 116553, 2022
Ultrasonic Well Integrity Logging Using Phased Array Technology
TF Johansen, PE Buschmann, KM Røsberg, A Diez, EM Viggen
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 86915 …, 2023
On the role of symmetry and degeneracy in nonlinear thermoacoustic eigenproblems with application to can-annular combustors
PE Buschmann
NTNU, 2022
The effect of asymmetric can-to-can coupling on thermoacoustic modes in a can-annular laboratory combustor
P Buschmann, N Worth, J Moeck
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, A07. 007, 2021
Intrinsic thermoacoustic modes in systems with two axially separated heat sources
P Buschmann, J Moeck
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, P06. 004, 2019
Intrinsic thermoacoustic modes in an annular combustor
P Buschmann, G Mensah, J Moeck
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Exceptional points in the thermoacoustic spectrum of longitudinal configurations
L Magri, G Mensah, C Silva, P Buschmann, J Moeck
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Higher-order degenerate points in annular thermoacoustic systems
J Moeck, A Orchini, P Buschmann, G Mensah, L Magri
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
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