Santosh Haunshi
Santosh Haunshi
ICAR- Directorate of Poultry Research (Formerly Project Directorate on Poultry)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Characterization of two Indian native chicken breeds for production, egg and semen quality, and welfare traits
S Haunshi, M Niranjan, M Shanmugam, MK Padhi, MR Reddy, R Sunitha, ...
Poultry Science 90 (2), 314-320, 2011
Identification of chicken, duck, pigeon and pig meat by species-specific markers of mitochondrial origin
S Haunshi, R Basumatary, PS Girish, S Doley, RK Bardoloi, A Kumar
Meat science 83 (3), 454-459, 2009
Analysis of a village chicken production system and performance of improved dual purpose chickens under a subtropical hill agro-ecosystem in India
A Kumaresan, KM Bujarbaruah, KA Pathak, B Chhetri, SK Ahmed, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 40, 395-402, 2008
Characterization of indigenous Aseel chicken breed for morphological, growth, production, and meat composition traits from India
U Rajkumar, S Haunshi, C Paswan, M Raju, SVR Rao, RN Chatterjee
Poultry Science 96 (7), 2120-2126, 2017
Effect of age on egg quality in chicken
MK Padhi, RN Chatterjee, S Haunshi, U Rajkumar
Indian Journal of Poultry Science 48 (1), 122-125, 2013
Production performance of indigenous chicken of northeastern region and improved varieties developed for backyard farming
S Haunshi, S Doley, I Shakuntala
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 79 (9), 901, 2009
Polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene: a simple method for identification of poultry meat species
PS Girish, ASR Anjaneyulu, KN Viswas, S Haunshi, KN Bhilegaonkar, ...
Veterinary Research Communications, 31 (2007) 31, 447–455, 2007
A rapid method for authentication of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) meat by Alkaline Lysis method of DNA extraction and species specific polymerase chain reaction
PS Girish, S Haunshi, S Vaithiyanathan, R Rajitha, C Ramakrishna
Journal of food science and technology 50 (1), 141-146, 2013
Comparative evaluation of carcass traits and meat quality in native Aseel chickens and commercial broilers
U Rajkumar, M Muthukumar, S Haunshi, M Niranjan, M Raju, ...
British Poultry Science 57 (3), 339-347, 2016
Evaluation of two Indian native chicken breeds for reproduction traits and heritability of juvenile growth traits
S Haunshi, M Shanmugam, MK Padhi, M Niranjan, U Rajkumar, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 44 (5), 969-973, 2012
Carcass characteristics and chemical composition of breast and thigh muscles of native chicken breeds
S Haunshi, R Sunitha, M Shanmugam, MK Padhi, M Niranjan
Indian Journal of Poultry Science 48 (2), 219-222, 2013
Effect of naked neck gene (NA) and frizzle gene (F) on immunocompetence in chickens
S Haunshi, D Sharma, LMS Nayal, DP Singh, RV Singh
British Poultry Science 43 (1), 28-32, 2002
Effect of feeding different levels of energy and protein on performance of Aseel breed of chicken during juvenile phase
S Haunshi, AK Panda, U Rajkumar, MK Padhi, M Niranjan, RN Chatterjee
Tropical Animal Health and Production 44 (7), 1653-1658, 2012
Genetic analysis of juvenile growth and carcass traits in a full diallel mating in selected colored broiler lines
U Rajkumar, RP Sharma, MK Padhi, KS Rajaravindra, BLN Reddy, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 43 (6), 1129-1136, 2011
Differential expression of Toll-like receptor mRNA in White Leghorn and indigenous chicken of India
KT Ramasamy, MR Reddy, DN Raveendranathan, S Murugesan, ...
Veterinary research communications 34 (7), 633-639, 2010
Evaluation of a three-way cross chicken developed for backyard poultry in respect to growth, production and carcass quality traits under intensive system of rearing
MK Padhi, RN Chatterjee, U Rajkumar, M Niranjan, S Haunshi
Journal of Applied Animal Research 44 (1), 390-394, 2016
Differential expression of Toll-like receptor pathway genes in chicken embryo fibroblasts from chickens resistant and susceptible to Marek's disease
S Haunshi, HH Cheng
Poultry science 93 (3), 550-555, 2014
Comparative studies on egg, meat, and semen qualities of native and improved chicken varieties developed for backyard poultry production
S Haunshi, S Doley, G Kadirvel
Tropical Animal Health and Production 42, 1013-1019, 2010
Native chicken production in India: present status and challenges
S Haunshi, U Rajkumar
Livestock Research for Rural Development 32 (11), 181, 2020
Immunocompetence in native and exotic chicken populations and their crosses developed for rural farming
S Haunshi, D Sharma
Indian Journal of Poultry Science 37 (1), 10-15, 2002
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