Šimun Anđelinović
Šimun Anđelinović
University of Split
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The expression of p185 (HER-2/neu) correlates with the stage of disease and survival in colorectal cancer
S Kapitanovic, S Radosevic, M Kapitanovic, S Andelinovic, Z Ferencic, ...
Gastroenterology 112 (4), 1103-1113, 1997
DNA typing from skeletal remains: evaluation of multiplex and megaplex STR systems on DNA isolated from bone and teeth samples
A Alonso, S Andelinovic, P Martín, D Sutlovic, I Erceg, E Huffine, ...
Croatian medical journal 42 (3), 260-266, 2001
Identification of war victims from mass graves in Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina by the use of standard forensic methods and DNA typing
D Primorac, S Andelinovic, M Definis-Gojanovic, I Drmic, B Rezic, ...
Journal of forensic sciences 41 (5), 891-894, 1996
Twelve-year experience in identification of skeletal remains from mass graves.
Š Anđelinović, D Sutlović, IE Ivkošić, V Škaro, A Ivkošić, F Paić, ...
Croatian medical journal 46 (4), 2005
The peopling of modern Bosnia‐Herzegovina: Y‐chromosome haplogroups in the three main ethnic groups
D Marjanovic, S Fornarino, S Montagna, D Primorac, R Hadziselimovic, ...
Annals of Human Genetics 69 (6), 757-763, 2005
Taq polymerase reverses inhibition of quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction by humic acid.
D Sutlović, D Gojanović, Š Anđelinović, D Gugić, D Primorac
Croatian medical journal 46 (4), 2005
Interaction of humic acids with human DNA: proposed mechanisms and kinetics
D Sutlovic, S Gamulin, M Definis‐Gojanovic, D Gugic, S Andjelinovic
Electrophoresis 29 (7), 1467-1472, 2008
Expression of erbB-3 protein in colorectal adenocarcinoma: correlation with poor survival
S Kapitanović, S Radošević, N Slade, M Kapitanović, Š Anđelinović, ...
Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 126, 205-211, 2000
Expression of Ki-67 and p53 in meningiomas
S Pavelin, K Becic, G Forempoher, I Mrklic, Z Pogorelic, M Titlic, ...
Neoplasma 60 (5), 480-5, 2013
Tracheo-innominate artery fistula after tracheostomy
L Kapural, J Sprung, I Gluncic, M Kapural, S Andelinovic, D Primorac, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 88 (4), 777-780, 1999
Sex determination in skeletal remains from the medieval Eastern Adriatic coast–discriminant function analysis of humeri
Ž Bašić, I Anterić, K Vilović, A Petaros, A Bosnar, T Madžar, O Polašek, ...
Croatian medical journal 54 (3), 272-278, 2013
SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence in industry workers in Split-Dalmatia and Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia
I Jerković, T Ljubić, Ž Bašić, I Kružić, N Kunac, J Bezić, A Vuko, A Markotić, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 63 (1), 32-37, 2021
Population variation of human mitochondrial DNA hypervariable regions I and II in 105 Croatian individuals demonstrated by immobilized sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe …
MN Gabriel, CD Calloway, RL Reynolds, S Andelinovic, D Primorac
Croatian medical journal 42 (3), 328-335, 2001
Peripheral nerve war injuries
V Vrebalov-Cindro, P Reic, M Ognjenovic, S Jankovic, Š Andelinovic, ...
Military medicine 164 (5), 351-352, 1999
Skeleton changes induced by horse riding on medieval skeletal remains from Croatia
Š Anđelinović, I Anterić, E Škorić, Ž Bašić
The International Journal of the History of Sport 32 (5), 708-721, 2015
Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat haplotypes in southern Croatian male population defined by 17 loci
J Ljubković, A Stipišić, D Sutlović, M Definis-Gojanović, K Bučan, ...
Croatian medical journal 49 (2), 201, 2008
Expression of nestin, mesothelin and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) in developing and adult human meninges and meningiomas
J Petricevic, G Forempoher, L Ostojic, S Mardesic-Brakus, S Andjelinovic, ...
Acta histochemica 113 (7), 703-711, 2011
Forensic botany: potential usefulness of microsatellite-based genotyping of Croatian olive (Olea europaea L.) in forensic casework
S Štambuk, D Sutlović, P Bakarić, S Petričević, Š Anđelinović
Croatian medical journal 48 (4), 556, 2007
Which theory for the origin of syphilis is true?
I Anteric, Z Basic, K Vilovic, K Kolic, S Andjelinovic
The journal of sexual medicine 11 (12), 3112-3118, 2014
Forensic DNA databasesin Western Balkan region: retrospectives, perspectives, and initiatives
D Marjanović, R Konjhodžić, SS Butorac, K Drobnič, S Merkaš, G Lauc, ...
Croatian medical journal 52 (3), 235-244, 2011
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
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