Javier Tellez
Javier Tellez
Assistant Professor of Geosciences, Colorado Mesa University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Seismic-sequence stratigraphy framework and architectural elements for Cenozoic strata at the Rankin Platform sub basin, north Carnarvon basin, Australia
JJJ Tellez Rodriguez
Master’s thesis, University of Oklahoma, 2015
Deep convolutional neural networks as an estimator of porosity in thin-section images for unconventional reservoirs
D Duarte-Coronado, J Tellez-Rodriguez, R Pires de Lima, K Marfurt, ...
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019, 3181-3184, 2019
Mechanical stratigraphy of Mississippian strata using machine learning and seismic-based reservoir characterization and modeling, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
J Tellez, MJ Pranter, C Sondergeld, C Rai, J Fu, H Han, S Dang, ...
Interpretation 9 (2), SE53-SE71, 2021
Seismic characterization of a blocky mass-transport deposit in the Trealla Limestone Formation, North Carnarvon Basin, Australia
L Ortiz-Sanguino, J Tellez, H Bedle, D Martinez-Sanchez
Interpretation 8 (4), SR53-SR58, 2020
Identification and Quantification of Parasequences Using Expectation Maximization Filter: Defining Well Log Attributes for Reservoir Characterization
S Sinha*, R Kiran, J Tellez, K Marfurt
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 22-24 July …, 2019
Application of UAV-based Photogrammetry for Outcrop Characterization of Fluvial Deposits of the Burro Canyon Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
JJ Tellez, M Pranter
AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop “New Opportunities with Drones: New …, 2016
PSSeismic Geomorphology and Characterization of Deep Water Architectural Elements and its Applications in 3D Modeling: A Case Study in North Carnarvon Basin Australia
JJ Tellez, R Slatt
Multi-attribute geomorphological characterization of the Cenozoic deep-water strata in the Exmouth Plateau, Northern Carnarvon Basin: a contribution to the understanding of …
LL Ortiz-Sanguino, JJ Tellez-Rodriguez, H Bedle
Basinal variation of seismic attribute response in deepwater architectural element recognition
K La Marca, J Tellez, KML Oliveira, LLO Sanguino, H Bedle
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020
Fluvial architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Burro Canyon Formation, southwestern Piceance Basin, Colorado
JJ Tellez, MJ Pranter, R Cole
Spatial variability of petrofacies using supervised machine learning and geostatistical modeling: Sycamore Formation, Sho-Vel-Tum Field, Oklahoma, USA
D Duarte, R Pires de Lima, J Tellez, MJ Pranter
Interpretation 11 (2), T289-T302, 2023
Integrated characterization of tight siliciclastic reservoirs: examples from the Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation, Colorado, and Mississippian Meramec Strata, Oklahoma
J Tellez
Fluvial architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Burro Canyon Formation, southwestern Piceance Basin, Colorado
JJ Tellez Rodriguez, MJ Pranter, R Cole
Interpretation 8 (4), T1037-T1055, 2020
Seismic attributes and analogs to characterize a large fold in the Taranaki Basin
K La Marca Molina, H Bedle, J Tellez
Interpretation 8 (4), SR27-SR31, 2020
Application of unsupervised machine learning techniques in sequence stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology: A case of study in the Cenozoic deep-water deposits in Northern …
L Ortiz-Sanguino, J Tellez, H Bedle
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 1087-1091, 2020
Fluvial Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Burro Canyon Formation Using UAV-Based Outcrop Models, Southwestern Piceance Basin, Colorado
J Tellez, MJ Pranter, RD Cole
AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, 2019
Integrated 3D geological modeling using UAS-based photogrammetry techniques to evaluate heterogeneity and impact of fluid-flow within fluvial sedimentary rocks of the Burro …
TJ Posovich Liam
Fourth International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 2546-2550, 2024
Multiscale characterization of unconventional Mississippian reservoirs using a Bayesian approach for seismic-based reservoir models
JJ Tellez, H Williams, MJ Pranter
Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 2213-2217, 2022
Stratigraphic Evolution and Architecture of Alluvial Paleovalleys in the Lower Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation, Southwest Piceance Basin, Colorado
J Tellez, R Cole, M Pranter
Geological Society of America Abstracts 54, 383132, 2022
Evaluation of Petrophysical Heterogeneity Within Fluvial Architectural Elements of the Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation, Colorado
J Tellez, L Posovich
Geological Society of America Abstracts 54, 383501, 2022
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