Michael S. Waring
Michael S. Waring
Professor and Head of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Drexel
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Indoor aerosols: from personal exposure to risk assessment
L Morawska, A Afshari, GN Bae, G Buonanno, CYH Chao, O Hänninen, ...
Indoor air 23 (6), 462-487, 2013
Airborne particles in indoor environment of homes, schools, offices and aged care facilities: The main routes of exposure
L Morawska, GA Ayoko, GN Bae, G Buonanno, CYH Chao, S Clifford, ...
Environment international 108, 75-83, 2017
Ultrafine particle removal and generation by portable air cleaners
MS Waring, JA Siegel, RL Corsi
Atmospheric environment 42 (20), 5003-5014, 2008
Ten questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings
RI Adams, S Bhangar, KC Dannemiller, JA Eisen, N Fierer, JA Gilbert, ...
Building and Environment 109, 224-234, 2016
Review of indoor aerosol generation, transport, and control in the context of COVID‐19
MA Kohanski, LJ Lo, MS Waring
International forum of allergy & rhinology 10 (10), 1173-1179, 2020
Volatile organic compound conversion by ozone, hydroxyl radicals, and nitrate radicals in residential indoor air: Magnitudes and impacts of oxidant sources
MS Waring, JR Wells
Atmospheric Environment 106, 382-391, 2015
Impact of natural versus mechanical ventilation on simulated indoor air quality and energy consumption in offices in fourteen US cities
T Ben-David, MS Waring
Building and Environment 104, 320-336, 2016
Particle loading rates for HVAC filters, heat exchangers, and ducts
MS Waring, JA Siegel
Indoor air 18 (3), 209-224, 2008
Secondary organic aerosol in residences: predicting its fraction of fine particle mass and determinants of formation strength
MS Waring
Indoor Air 24 (4), 376-389, 2014
Using multiobjective optimizations to discover dynamic building ventilation strategies that can improve indoor air quality and reduce energy use
A Rackes, MS Waring
Energy and Buildings 75, 272-280, 2014
Secondary organic aerosol formation from ozone reactions with single terpenoids and terpenoid mixtures
MS Waring, JR Wells, JA Siegel
Atmospheric Environment 45 (25), 4235-4242, 2011
Predictions and determinants of size-resolved particle infiltration factors in single-family homes in the US
Z El Orch, B Stephens, MS Waring
Building and Environment 74, 106-118, 2014
Indoor Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Initiated from Reactions between Ozone and Surface-Sorbed d-Limonene
MS Waring, JA Siegel
Environmental science & technology 47 (12), 6341-6348, 2013
Real‐time transformation of outdoor aerosol components upon transport indoors measured with aerosol mass spectrometry
AM Johnson, MS Waring, PF DeCarlo
Indoor Air 27 (1), 230-240, 2017
Observations and contributions of real-time indoor ammonia concentrations during HOMEChem
L Ampollini, EF Katz, S Bourne, Y Tian, A Novoselac, AH Goldstein, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (15), 8591-8598, 2019
Potted plants do not improve indoor air quality: a review and analysis of reported VOC removal efficiencies
BE Cummings, MS Waring
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 30 (2), 253-261, 2020
Thirdhand smoke uptake to aerosol particles in the indoor environment
PF DeCarlo, AM Avery, MS Waring
Science Advances 4 (5), eaap8368, 2018
Modeling impacts of dynamic ventilation strategies on indoor air quality of offices in six US cities
A Rackes, MS Waring
Building and Environment 60, 243-253, 2013
Secondary organic aerosol formation initiated from reactions between ozone and surface-sorbed squalene
C Wang, MS Waring
Atmospheric Environment 84, 222-229, 2014
An evaluation of the indoor air quality in bars before and after a smoking ban in Austin, Texas
MS Waring, JA Siegel
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 17 (3), 260-268, 2007
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