Dr. Mariana Vargas-Caballero
Dr. Mariana Vargas-Caballero
Associate Professor, University of Southampton
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Pharmacological targeting of CSF1R inhibits microglial proliferation and prevents the progression of Alzheimer’s-like pathology
A Olmos-Alonso, STT Schetters, S Sri, K Askew, R Mancuso, ...
Brain 139 (3), 891-907, 2016
Tau protein is required for amyloid β-induced impairment of hippocampal long-term potentiation
OA Shipton, JR Leitz, J Dworzak, CEJ Acton, EM Tunbridge, F Denk, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (5), 1688-1692, 2011
Treatment of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by uncoupling Src from the NMDA receptor complex
XJ Liu, JR Gingrich, M Vargas-Caballero, YN Dong, A Sengar, S Beggs, ...
Nature medicine 14 (12), 1325-1332, 2008
Fast and slow voltage-dependent dynamics of magnesium block in the NMDA receptor: the asymmetric trapping block model
M Vargas-Caballero, HPC Robinson
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (27), 6171-6180, 2004
Visual stimuli–induced LTD of GABAergic synapses mediated by presynaptic NMDA receptors
CC Lien, Y Mu, M Vargas-Caballero, M Poo
Nature neuroscience 9 (3), 372-380, 2006
Temporal dynamics of hippocampal neurogenesis in chronic neurodegeneration
D Gomez-Nicola, S Suzzi, M Vargas-Caballero, NL Fransen, H Al-Malki, ...
Brain 137 (8), 2312-2328, 2014
In situ measurement of the electrical potential across the phagosomal membrane using FRET and its contribution to the proton-motive force
BE Steinberg, N Touret, M Vargas-Caballero, S Grinstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (22), 9523-9528, 2007
α5 Subunit-containing GABAA receptors mediate a slowly decaying inhibitory synaptic current in CA1 pyramidal neurons following Schaffer collateral activation
M Vargas-Caballero, LJ Martin, MW Salter, BA Orser, O Paulsen
Neuropharmacology 58 (3), 668-675, 2010
Vagus nerve stimulation as a potential therapy in early Alzheimer’s disease: A review
M Vargas-Caballero, H Warming, R Walker, C Holmes, G Cruickshank, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 16, 866434, 2022
A slow fraction of Mg2+ unblock of NMDA receptors limits their contribution to spike generation in cortical pyramidal neurons
M Vargas-Caballero, HPC Robinson
Journal of neurophysiology 89 (5), 2778-2783, 2003
Tau misfolding efficiently propagates between individual intact hippocampal neurons
GI Hallinan, M Vargas-Caballero, J West, K Deinhardt
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (48), 9623-9632, 2019
A 5′ UTR GGN repeat controls localisation and translation of a potassium leak channel mRNA through G-quadruplex formation
CJ Maltby, JPR Schofield, SD Houghton, I O’Kelly, M Vargas-Caballero, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 48 (17), 9822-9839, 2020
Emergence of synaptic and cognitive impairment in a mature-onset APP mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
S Sri, CM Pegasiou, CA Cave, K Hough, N Wood, D Gomez-Nicola, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 7, 1-20, 2019
Age-dependent changes in synaptic NMDA receptor composition in adult human cortical neurons
CM Pegasiou, A Zolnourian, D Gomez-Nicola, K Deinhardt, JAR Nicoll, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (7), 4246-4256, 2020
Stochastic and deterministic dynamics of intrinsically irregular firing in cortical inhibitory interneurons
PRF Mendonça, M Vargas-Caballero, F Erdelyi, G Szabo, O Paulsen, ...
Elife 5, e16475, 2016
Spread of synaptic potentials through electrical synapses in Retzius neurones of the leech
FF De-Miguel, M Vargas-Caballero, E García-Pérez
Journal of Experimental Biology 204 (19), 3241-3250, 2001
Synaptic integration in electrically coupled neurons
E García-Pérez, M Vargas-Caballero, N Velazquez-Ulloa, A Minzoni, ...
Biophysical Journal 86 (1), 646-655, 2004
Tau-proximity ligation assay reveals extensive previously undetected pathology prior to neurofibrillary tangles in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
N Bengoa-Vergniory, E Velentza-Almpani, AM Silva, C Scott, ...
Acta Neuropathologica Communications 9, 1-20, 2021
A primate-specific short GluN2A-NMDA receptor isoform is expressed in the human brain
H Warming, CM Pegasiou, AP Pitera, H Kariis, SD Houghton, ...
Molecular Brain 12, 1-8, 2019
Wild-Type, but Not Mutant N296H, Human Tau Restores Aβ-Mediated Inhibition of LTP in Tau−/− mice
M Vargas-Caballero, F Denk, HJ Wobst, E Arch, CM Pegasiou, PL Oliver, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 201, 2017
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