Stéphane Cullati
Stéphane Cullati
Population Health Laboratory, University of Fribourg
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A life course perspective on health trajectories and transitions
C Burton-Jeangros, S Cullati, A Sacker, D Blane
Springer Nature, 2015
When team conflicts threaten quality of care: a study of health care professionals' experiences and perceptions
S Cullati, N Bochatay, F Maître, T Laroche, V Muller-Juge, KS Blondon, ...
Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes 3 (1), 43-51, 2019
Advantaged socioeconomic conditions in childhood are associated with higher cognitive functioning but stronger cognitive decline in older age
MJ Aartsen, B Cheval, S Sieber, BW Van der Linden, R Gabriel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (12), 5478-5486, 2019
Development of reserves over the life course and onset of vulnerability in later life
S Cullati, M Kliegel, E Widmer
Nature Human Behaviour 2 (8), 551-558, 2018
Cancer screening in a middle-aged general population: factors associated with practices and attitudes
S Cullati, AI Charvet-Bérard, TV Perneger
BMC public health 9, 1-11, 2009
Interprofessional collaboration between residents and nurses in general internal medicine: a qualitative study on behaviours enhancing teamwork quality
V Muller-Juge, S Cullati, KS Blondon, P Hudelson, F Maître, NV Vu, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e96160, 2014
Exploring group boundaries and conflicts: a social identity theory perspective
N Bochatay, NM Bajwa, KS Blondon, N Junod Perron, S Cullati, ...
Medical education 53 (8), 799-807, 2019
Corona Immunitas: study protocol of a nationwide program of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and seroepidemiologic studies in Switzerland
EA West, D Anker, R Amati, A Richard, A Wisniak, A Butty, E Albanese, ...
International journal of public health 65, 1529-1548, 2020
Relationship between decline in cognitive resources and physical activity.
B Cheval, D Orsholits, S Sieber, D Courvoisier, S Cullati, MP Boisgontier
Health Psychology 39 (6), 519, 2020
Is the Surgical Safety Checklist successfully conducted? An observational study of social interactions in the operating rooms of a tertiary hospital
S Cullati, S Le Du, AC Raë, M Micallef, E Khabiri, A Ourahmoune, ...
BMJ quality & safety 22 (8), 639-646, 2013
A multilevel analysis of professional conflicts in health care teams: insight for future training
N Bochatay, NM Bajwa, S Cullati, V Muller-Juge, KS Blondon, NJ Perron, ...
Academic Medicine 92 (11S), S84-S92, 2017
Factors of change and cumulative factors in self-rated health trajectories: A systematic review
S Cullati, E Rousseaux, A Gabadinho, DS Courvoisier, ...
Advances in life course research 19, 14-27, 2014
Effect of early-and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances on physical inactivity
B Cheval, S Sieber, I Guessous, D Orsholits, DC Courvoisier, M Kliegel, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 50 (3), 476-485, 2018
Interprofessional collaboration on an internal medicine ward: role perceptions and expectations among nurses and residents
V Muller-Juge, S Cullati, KS Blondon, P Hudelson, F Maître, NV Vu, ...
PloS one 8 (2), e57570, 2013
Muscle strength is associated with COVID‐19 hospitalization in adults 50 years of age or older
B Cheval, S Sieber, S Maltagliati, GP Millet, T Formánek, A Chalabaev, ...
Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 12 (5), 1136-1143, 2021
Desire for autonomy in health care decisions: a general population survey
S Cullati, DS Courvoisier, AI Charvet-Bérard, TV Perneger
Patient education and counseling 83 (1), 134-138, 2011
Cervical cancer screening in Switzerland: cross-sectional trends (1992–2012) in social inequalities
C Burton-Jeangros, S Cullati, O Manor, DS Courvoisier, C Bouchardy, ...
The European Journal of Public Health 27 (1), 167-173, 2017
Does the single-item self-rated health measure the same thing across different wordings? Construct validity study
S Cullati, N Bochatay, C Rossier, I Guessous, C Burton-Jeangros, ...
Quality of Life Research 29, 2593-2604, 2020
Life course socioeconomic conditions and frailty at older ages
BWA Van der Linden, B Cheval, S Sieber, D Orsholits, I Guessous, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75 (6), 1348-1357, 2020
Cognitive resources moderate the adverse impact of poor perceived neighborhood conditions on self-reported physical activity of older adults
B Cheval, AL Rebar, MW Miller, S Sieber, D Orsholits, G Baranyi, ...
Preventive Medicine 126, 105741, 2019
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