Mirjana Najdek
Mirjana Najdek
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Seasonal fatty acid profile analysis to trace origin of food sources of four commercially important bivalves
D Ezgeta-Balić, M Najdek, M Peharda, M Blažina
Aquaculture 334, 89-100, 2012
The origin of sedimentary organic matter in the Adriatic
J Faganeli, J Pezdic, B Ogorelec, M Misic, M Najdek
Continental Shelf Research 14 (4), 365-384, 1994
Fatty acid and phytoplankton compositions of different types of mucilaginous aggregates in thenorthern Adriatic
M Najdek, D Debobbis, D Mioković, I Ivančić
Journal of plankton research 24 (5), 429-441, 2002
The role of the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium in a mucilage event in the northern Adriatic Sea: coupling with high salinity water intrusions
M Najdek, M Blažina, T Djakovac, R Kraus
Journal of plankton research 27 (9), 851-862, 2005
Fatty acids in liver and muscle of farmed and wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
M Krajnović-Ozretic, M Najdek, B Ozretić
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 109 (3), 611-617, 1994
Bacterial diversity of polluted surface sediments in the northern Adriatic Sea
M Korlević, J Zucko, MN Dragić, M Blažina, E Pustijanac, TV Zeljko, ...
Systematic and applied microbiology 38 (3), 189-197, 2015
Relationships between heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria in the northern Adriatic in relation to the mucilage phenomenon
D Fuks, J Radić, T Radić, M Najdek, M Blažina, D Degobbis, N Smodlaka
Science of the total environment 353 (1-3), 178-188, 2005
Changes in Na+/K+-ATPase activity, unsaturated fatty acids and metallothioneins in gills of the shore crab Carcinus aestuarii after dilute seawater acclimation
Č Lucu, J Pavičić, D Ivanković, D Pavičić-Hamer, M Najdek
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2008
Alkaline phosphatase activity related to phosphorus stress of microphytoplankton in different trophic conditions
I Ivančić, M Pfannkuchen, J Godrijan, T Djakovac, DM Pfannkuchen, ...
Progress in Oceanography 146, 175-186, 2016
Survival mechanisms of phytoplankton in conditions of stratification-induced deprivation of orthophosphate: Northern Adriatic case study
I Ivančić, J Godrijan, M Pfannkuchen, D Marić, B Gašparović, T Đakovac, ...
Limnology and oceanography 57, 1721-1731, 2012
Diets of fan shells (Pinna nobilis) of different sizes: fatty acid profiling of digestive gland and adductor muscle
M Najdek, M Blažina, D Ezgeta-Balić, M Peharda
Marine biology 160 (4), 921-930, 2013
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in mussels and some benthic organisms from the northern Adriatic Sea.
M Najdek, D Bažulić
Picoplankton community structure before, during and after convection event in the offshore waters of the Southern Adriatic Sea
M Najdek, P Paliaga, T Šilović, M Batistić, R Garić, N Supić, I Ivančić, ...
Biogeosciences 11 (10), 2645-2659, 2014
Seasonal variations in fatty acid composition of Caulerpa taxifolia (M. Vahl.) C. Ag. in the northern Adriatic Sea (Malinska, Croatia)
L Iveša, M Blažina, M Najdek
Walter de Gruyter 47 (3), 209-214, 2004
Biochemical and fatty acid composition of Arca noae (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from the Mali Ston Bay, Adriatic Sea.
A Dupcic Radic, M Carić, M Najdek, N Jasprica, J Bolotin, M Peharda, ...
Biochemical and fatty acid composition of Arca noae (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from the Mali Ston Bay, Adriatic Sea
I Dupčić Radić, M Carić, M Najdek-Dragić, N Jasprica, J Bolotin, ...
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, 2014
Seasonal differences of stable isotope composition and lipid content in four bivalve species from the Adriatic Sea
D Ezgeta-Balić, S Lojen, T Dolenec, P Žvab Rožič, M Dolenec, M Najdek, ...
Marine Biology Research 10 (6), 625-634, 2014
Seasonal dynamics of epiphytic microbial communities on marine macrophyte surfaces
M Korlević, M Markovski, Z Zhao, GJ Herndl, M Najdek
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 671342, 2021
Total and methyl-mercury content in bivalves, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck and Ostrea edulis Linnaeus: relationship of biochemical composition and body size
M Najdek, J Sapunar
Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.;(United States) 39 (1), 1987
Changes in the planktonic community structure related to trophic conditions: The case study of the northern Adriatic Sea
D Fuks, I Ivančić, M Najdek, D Lučić, J Njire, J Godrijan, D Marić, T Šilović, ...
Journal of marine systems 96, 95-102, 2012
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20