Ranjay K. Singh
Ranjay K. Singh
Division of Agricultural Extension, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Cultural significance and diversities of ethnic foods of Northeast India
A Singh, RK Singh
CSIR, 2007
Traditional knowledge and biocultural diversity: learning from tribal communities for sustainable development in northeast India
RK Singh, J Pretty, S Pilgrim
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 53 (4), 511-533, 2010
Perceptions of climate variability and livelihood adaptations relating to gender and wealth among the Adi community of the Eastern Indian Himalayas
RK Singh, KK Zander, S Kumar, A Singh, P Sheoran, A Kumar, ...
Applied Geography 86, 41-52, 2017
Soil nitrogen and microbial biomass carbon dynamics in native forests and derived agricultural land uses in a humid tropical climate of India
CB Pandey, GB Singh, SK Singh, RK Singh
Plant and Soil 333, 453-467, 2010
Ethnozoological diversity of Northeast India: Empirical learning with traditional knowledge holders of Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh
M Chinlampianga, RK Singh, AC Shukla
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2013
Kair (Capparis decidua): A potential ethnobotanical weather predictor and livelihood security shrub of the arid zone of Rajasthan and Gujarat
D Singh, RK Singh
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2011
Ameliorants and salt tolerant varieties improve rice-wheat production in soils undergoing sodification with alkali water irrigation in Indo–Gangetic Plains of India
P Sheoran, N Basak, A Kumar, RK Yadav, R Singh, R Sharma, S Kumar, ...
Agricultural Water Management 243, 106492, 2021
Indigenous knowledge and sustainable agricultural resources management under rainfed agro-ecosystem
RK Singh, AK Sureja
CSIR, 2008
Elderly Adi Women of Arunachal Pradesh: “Living Encyclopedias” and Cultural Refugia in Biodiversity Conservation of the Eastern Himalaya, India
RK Singh, O Rallen, E Padung
Environmental Management 52, 712-735, 2013
Soil N mineralization and microbial biomass carbon affected by different tillage levels in a hot humid tropic
RKS C.B. Pandey a,S.K. Chaudhari, J.C. Dagar, G.B. Singh
Soil and Tillage Research 110, 33-41, 2010
A checklist of butterflies of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattigarh states, India
K Chandra, RM Sharma, A Singh, RK Singh
ZOOS'PRINT JOURNAL 22 (8), 2790-2798, 2007
Traditional foods of Monpa tribe of west Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh
RK Singh, A Singh, AK Sureja
CSIR, 2007
Performance and gene effects for wheat yield under inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and Azotobacter chroococcum
R Singh, RK Behl, KP Singh, P Jain, N Narula
Plant Soil and Environment 50 (9), 409-415, 2004
Community knowledge and sustainable natural resources management: learning from the Monpa of Arunachal Pradesh
RK Singh, AK Sureja
TD: The journal for transdisciplinary research in Southern Africa 2 (1), 73-102, 2006
Livelihood resilience in pastoral communities: Methodological and field insights from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
T Li, S Cai, RK Singh, L Cui, F Fava, L Tang, Z Xu, C Li, X Cui, J Du, ...
Science of the Total Environment 838, 155960, 2022
Perceived climate variability and compounding stressors: Implications for risks to livelihoods of smallholder Indian farmers
RK Singh, A Singh, S Kumar, P Sheoran, DK Sharma, LC Stringer, ...
Environmental Management 66, 826-844, 2020
Ardu (Ailanthus sp) in arid ecosystem: A compatible species for combating with drought and securing livelihood security of resource poor people
HS Jat, RK Singh, JS Mann
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2011
Biomass production in agroforestry and forestry systems on salt-affected soils in South Asia: Exploration of the GHG balance and economic performance of three case studies
B Wicke, EMW Smeets, R Akanda, L Stille, RK Singh, AR Awan, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 127, 324-334, 2013
Indigenous biodiversity of Apatani plateau: Learning on biocultural knowledge of Apatani tribe of Arunachal Pradesh for sustainable livelihoods
RC Srivastava, RK Singh, TK Mukherjee
CSIR, 2010
Pressmud alleviates soil sodicity stress in a rice–wheat rotation: Effects on soil properties, physiological adaptation and yield‐related traits
P Sheoran, A Kumar, A Singh, A Kumar, K Parjapat, R Sharma, RK Singh, ...
Land Degradation & Development 32 (9), 2735-2748, 2021
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20