Jose Vicente Galan Conejos
Jose Vicente Galan Conejos
TELNET Redes Inteligentes S. A.
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Ultrafast all-optical switching in a silicon-nanocrystal-based silicon slot waveguide at telecom wavelengths
A Martínez, J Blasco, P Sanchis, JV Galán, J García-Rupérez, E Jordana, ...
Nano letters 10 (4), 1506-1511, 2010
Single bandpass photonic microwave filter based on a notch ring resonator
J Palací, GE Villanueva, JV Galán, J Martí, B Vidal
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22 (17), 1276-1278, 2010
Highly efficient crossing structure for silicon-on-insulator waveguides
P Sanchis, P Villalba, F Cuesta, A Håkansson, A Griol, JV Galán, ...
Optics letters 34 (18), 2760-2762, 2009
Low-crosstalk in silicon-on-insulator waveguide crossings with optimized-angle
P Sanchis, JV Galan, A Griol, J Marti, MA Piqueras, JM Perdigues
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19 (20), 1583-1585, 2007
Polarization insensitive low-loss coupling technique between SOI waveguides and high mode field diameter single-mode fibers
JV Galán, P Sanchis, G Sánchez, J Martí
Optics Express 15 (11), 7058-7065, 2007
Squeezing and expanding light without reflections via transformation optics
C García-Meca, MM Tung, JV Galán, R Ortuño, FJ Rodríguez-Fortuño, ...
Optics Express 19 (4), 3562-3575, 2011
Tailoring the dispersion behavior of silicon nanophotonic slot waveguides
S Mas, J Caraquitena, JV Galán, P Sanchis, J Martí
Optics express 18 (20), 20839-20844, 2010
Deep-UV lithography fabrication of slot waveguides and sandwiched waveguides for nonlinear applications
E Jordana, JM Fedeli, P Lyan, JP Colonna, P Gautier, N Daldosso, ...
2007 4th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 1-3, 2007
Study of high efficiency grating couplers for silicon-based horizontal slot waveguides
JV Galan, P Sanchis, J Blasco, J Marti
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20 (12), 985-987, 2008
Study of asymmetric silicon cross-slot waveguides for polarization diversity schemes
JV Galan, P Sanchis, J Garcia, J Blasco, A Martinez, J Martí
Applied optics 48 (14), 2693-2696, 2009
Group-index engineering in silicon corrugated waveguides
A Brimont, J Vicente Galan, J Maria Escalante, J Martí, P Sanchis
Optics letters 35 (16), 2708-2710, 2010
Group velocity dispersion in horizontal slot waveguides filled by Si nanocrystals
R Spano, JV Galan, P Sanchis, A Martinez, J Martí, L Pavesi
2008 5th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 314-316, 2008
High linear ring-assisted MZI electro-optic silicon modulators suitable for radio-over-fiber applications
AM Gutierrez, JV Galan, J Herrera, A Brimont, D Marris-Morini, JM Fedeli, ...
The 9th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), 57-59, 2012
FWM in silicon nanocrystal-based sandwiched slot waveguides
J Blasco, JV Galán, P Sanchis, JM Martínez, A Martínez, E Jordana, ...
Optics Communications 283 (3), 435-437, 2010
Fixed and mobile convergence: Needs and solutions
S Gosselin, F Moufida, T Mamouni, JA Torrijos, L Cucala, D Breuer, ...
European Wireless 2014; 20th European Wireless Conference, 1-6, 2014
CMOS compatible silicon etched V-grooves integrated with a SOI fiber coupling technique for enhancing fiber-to-chip alignment
JV Galan, P Sanchis, J Marti, S Marx, H Schröder, B Mukhopadhyay, ...
2009 6th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 148-150, 2009
Addressing fiber-to-chip coupling issues in silicon photonics
JV Galán
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Doctoral Thesis, 2010
High efficiency fiber coupling to silicon sandwiched slot waveguides
JV Galan, P Sanchis, J Blasco, A Martinez, J Marti
Optics communications 281 (20), 5173-5176, 2008
Silicon sandwiched slot waveguide grating couplers
JV Galan, P Sanchis, J Blasco, A Martinez, J Marti, JM Fedeli, E Jordana, ...
Electronics letters 45 (5), 262-264, 2009
Silicon-based electro-optic modulators for linear and nonlinear radio-over-fiber applications
AM Gutiérrez, JV Galan, J Herrera, A Brimont, M Aamer, J Martí, ...
2012 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 168-171, 2012
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