Son N. Han
The cluster between internet of things and social networks: Review and research challenges
AM Ortiz, D Hussein, S Park, SN Han, N Crespi
IEEE internet of things journal 1 (3), 206-215, 2014
Semantic Context-aware Service Composition for Building Automation System
SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (1), 752 - 761, 2014
DPWSim: A simulation toolkit for IoT applications using devices profile for web services
SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi, K Heo, N Van Luong, M Brut, P Gatellier
2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 544-547, 2014
Towards a dynamic discovery of smart services in the social internet of things
D Hussein, SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi, E Bertin
Computers & Electrical Engineering 58, 429-443, 2017
Challenges and research issues of data management in IoT for large-scale petrochemical plants
L Shu, M Mukherjee, M Pecht, N Crespi, SN Han
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2509-2523, 2017
Service Composition for IP Smart Object using Realtime Web Protocols: Concept and Research Challenges
SN Han, I Khan, GM Lee, N Crespi, RH Glitho
Computer Standards & Interfaces, Elsevier Journal, 2015
Semantic service provisioning for smart objects: Integrating IoT applications into the web
SN Han, N Crespi
Future Generation Computer Systems 76, 180-197, 2017
Dynamic Social Structure of Things: A Contextual Approach in CPSS
D Hussein, S Park, SN Han, N Crespi
Internet Computing, IEEE 19 (3), 12-20, 2015
DPWSim: A Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) Simulator
SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi, VL Nguyen, K Heo, M Brut, P Gatellier
Internet of Things Journal, IEEE 2 (3), 221 - 229, 2015
Social cloud-based cognitive reasoning for task-oriented recommendation
D Hussein, SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
IEEE Cloud Computing 2 (6), 10-19, 2016
Extending the devices profile for web services standard using a REST proxy
SN Han, S Park, GM Lee, N Crespi
IEEE Internet Computing 19 (1), 10-17, 2014
Design, implementation, and evaluation of 6LoWPAN for home and building automation in the Internet of Things
SN Han, QH Cao, B Alinia, N Crespi
2015 IEEE/ACS 12th International Conference of Computer Systems and …, 2015
Sensor network-based and user-friendly user location discovery for future smart homes
E Ahvar, GM Lee, SN Han, N Crespi, I Khan
Sensors 16 (7), 969, 2016
Link prediction for new users in social networks
X Han, L Wang, SN Han, C Chen, N Crespi, R Farahbakhsh
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1250-1255, 2015
Towards automated service composition using policy ontology in building automation system
SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Services Computing, 685-686, 2012
A framework for social device networking
D Hussein, SN Han, X Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
2013 IEEE international conference on distributed computing in sensor …, 2013
Context-aware service composition framework in web-enabled building automation system
SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
2012 16th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation …, 2012
The development of HD-VoIP application with G. 711.1 for smartphone
C Seung-Han, H Ngoc-Son, K Do-Young, L Byung-Sun, S Chang-Ho
2011 3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2011
An optimization of ITU-T wideband codec G. 711.1 on ARM processor
HN Son, WS So
2011 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 1122-1123, 2011
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