C J Patel
C J Patel
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Thiamethoxam (Cruiser) 70 WS: A new seed dresser against sucking pests of cotton
MP Vadodaria, UG Patel, CJ Patel, RB Patel, IM Maisuria
Pestology 25 (9), 13-19, 2001
Bio-efficacy of a new insecticide spinosad against bollworm of cotton
MP Vadodaria, UG Patel, IM Maisuria, CJ Patel, RB Patel
Pestology 25 (9), 24-28, 2001
Insect growth regulator (IGR)-A new tool in the management of Helicoverpa on cotton in Gujarat
ME Vadodaria, RB Maisuria, CJ Patel, UG Patel, UG Patel
Pestology 24 (10), 11-24, 2000
Biology of the mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley infesting Bt cotton
SR Pawar, HR Desai, GR Bhanderi, CJ Patel
Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 6 (8), 1287-1297, 2017
Incidence of different pests in Bt and non-Bt cotton hybrid in relation to weather parameters under south Gujarat condition
HR Desai, IM Maisuria, CJ Patel, VY Solanki, S Bhadsuria, V Kumar
National Symposium on “Bt-cotton: Opportunities and Prospects” at CICR …, 2009
Field evaluation for bio-efficacy Fenpyroximate 5 EC against leafhopper and spider mite infesting cotton and their safety to natural enemies
HR Desai, RS Sojitra, CJ Patel, IM Maisuria, K V
Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement 5 (2), 172-175, 2014
Imidacloprid (Gaucho) a new seed dresser against early sucking pests of cotton.
MP Vadodaria, CJ Patel, RB Patel, IM Maisuria, UG Patel
Bioefficacy of readymix insecticides against pests of cotton
MP Vadodaria, IM Maisuria, RB Patel, CJ Patel, RH Patel
Pestology 12 (9), 43-47, 1998
Biology of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer
KM Bhoya, CJ Patel
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7 (11 …, 2018
Assessment of avoidable loss of seed cotton yield due to the infestation of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in south Gujarat
SR Pawar, HR Desai, SV Pingle, CJ Patel, V Kumar
World Cotton Research Conference held on Nov, 7-11, 2011
Bio efficacy of new insecticides against pests of cotton
MP Vadaodaria, UG Patel, RV Patel, CJ Patel, IM Maisuria
Pestology 28, 22-25, 2004
Management of cotton bollworms with newer insecticides for sustainable cotton yield
MP Vadodaria, IM Maisuria, JR Patel, RB Patel, CJ Patel, UG Patel
Pestology 24 (11), 2-5, 2000
Integrated pest management in cotton in Gujarat
MP Vadodaria, UG Patel, RB Patel, CJ Patel, IM Maisuria
Proceedings of International symposium on Strategies for sustainable cotton …, 2004
Screening of different genotypes of maize against fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith)
LS Chaudhary, CJ Patel, LV Ghetiya, DK Ajudia, TM Senjaliya, DS Rabari
The pharma Innovation Journal 12 (6), 244-251, 2023
Population dynamics of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and its natural enemies on Bt cotton in South Gujarat.
SR Pawar, HR Desai, GR Bhanderi, CJ Patel
Trends in Biosciences 10 (24), 5184-5190, 2017
SCREENING OF LITTLE MILLET (Panicum miliare L.) VARIETIES AND GERMPLASMS AGAINST BLAST (Pyricularia grisea) AND GRAIN SMUT (Macalpinomyces sharmae)
AJ Deshmukh, VP Prajapati, P Singh, RP Bambharolia, HE Patil, BK Patel, ...
International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 15 (11), 12741-12744, 2023
Biological Management of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertan) Foot Rot Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc
AJ Deshmukh, VP Prajapati, P Singh, RP Bambharolia, HE Patil, BK Patel, ...
International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 15 (11), 12737-12740, 2023
Biology and Morphometrics of Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) on Maize
LS Chaudhary, CJ Patel, LV Ghetiya
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 12 (05), 184-198, 2023
Bioefficacy of different insecticides against fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) under South Gujarat condition
LS Chaudhary, CJ Patel, LV Ghetiya, HK Chaudhary, HG Patel, ...
The pharma Innovation 12 (12), 1950-1957, 2023
Assessment of Avoidable Losses due to Insect-pests in Staggered Sown Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench Crop
KN Pateliya, CJ Patel
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 16 (02 …, 2023
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