Kelly C McPhee
Kelly C McPhee
CancerCare Manitoba
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Transverse relaxation and flip angle mapping: evaluation of simultaneous and independent methods using multiple spin echoes
KC McPhee, AH Wilman
Magnetic resonance in medicine 77 (5), 2057-2065, 2017
Hyperbranched polyglycerols as trimodal imaging agents: design, biocompatibility, and tumor uptake
K Saatchi, P Soema, N Gelder, R Misri, K McPhee, JHE Baker, ...
Bioconjugate chemistry 23 (3), 372-381, 2012
T2 quantification from only proton density and T2-weighted MRI by modelling actual refocusing angles
KC McPhee, AH Wilman
NeuroImage 118, 642-650, 2015
Limitations of skipping echoes for exponential T2 fitting
KC McPhee, AH Wilman
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 48 (5), 1432-1440, 2018
Bilateral filtering of magnetic resonance phase images
KC McPhee, C Denk, Z AlRekabi, A Rauscher
Magnetic resonance imaging 29 (7), 1023-1029, 2011
T1 and T2 quantification from standard turbo spin echo images
KC McPhee, AH Wilman
Magnetic resonance in medicine 81 (3), 2052-2063, 2019
Recovery of accurate T2 from historical 1.5 tesla proton density and T2-weighted images: Application to 7-year T2 changes in multiple sclerosis brain
MN Uddin, KC McPhee, G Blevins, AH Wilman
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 37, 21-26, 2017
Multi‐modal magnetic resonance imaging and histology of vascular function in xenografts using macromolecular contrast agent hyperbranched polyglycerol (HPG‐GdF)
JHE Baker, KC McPhee, F Moosvi, K Saatchi, UO Häfeli, AI Minchinton, ...
Contrast media & molecular imaging 11 (1), 77-88, 2016
Bloch modelling enables robust T2 mapping using retrospective proton density and T2-weighted images from different vendors and sites
G Chhetri, KC McPhee, AH Wilman, ...
NeuroImage 237, 118116, 2021
T2 quantification in brain using 3D fast spin‐echo imaging with long echo trains
J Snyder, KC McPhee, AH Wilman
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87 (5), 2145-2160, 2022
Value of Independent Flip Angle Mapping for Transverse Relaxometry with Stimulated Echo Compensation
D Breitkreutz, KC McPhee, W AH
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2466, 2013
Presurgical Visualization of Cerebral Surface Veins with Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
Z Al-Rekabi, K McPhee, K Fitzpatrick, B Bjornson, A Rauscher
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 17, 44, 2009
Comparison of indirect and stimulated echo compensated T2 relaxometry techniques: extended phase graph vs Shinnar Le Roux based modelling
KC McPhee, AH Wilman
International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 23, 1688, 2015
Exponential T2 Fitting with Even Echoes Only or Skipping the First Echo: How Well Does it Work
K McPhee, A Wilman
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, 1683, 2015
3D Variable Flip Angle Fast-Low-Angle-Shot Experiments in the Presence of B1 Inhomogeneity and Slab-Select Gradient
KC McPhee, SA Reinsberg
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 20, 2440, 2012
Delayed Bolus Arrival Time with High Molecular Weight Contrast Agent, an Indicator of Necrosis
KC McPhee, JHE Baker, K Saatchi, UO Hafeli, SA Reinsberg
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 20, 1528, 2012
Extravasation of a New High Molecular Weight Contrast Agent in Tumour Vasculature, Probed by MRI & Histology
KC McPhee, JHE Baker, K Saatchi, UO Hafeli, SA Reinsberg
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 19, 1685, 2011
Comparison of Vendor Provided Analysis Vs Computational Sequence Modeling for T2 Mapping
K McPhee, A Wilman
MEDICAL PHYSICS 46 (6), E109-E109, 2019
Quantitative T2 and atrophy in multiple sclerosis: A retrospective 7-year study using standard clinical brain images
MN Uddin, KC McPhee, G Blevins, AH Wilman
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 24, 1311, 2016
T2 Quantification Using Only T2-weighted and Proton Density Weighted Fast Spin Echo Images
KC McPhee, AH Wilman
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 22, 3195, 2014
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