Sayan Goswami
Sayan Goswami
Assistant Professor, Ahmedabad University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Towards Distributed Cyberinfrastructure for Smart Cities Using Big Data and Deep Learning Technologies
S Shams, S Goswami, K Lee, S Yang, SJ Park
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2018
GPU-Accelerated Large-Scale Genome Assembly
S Goswami, K Lee, S Shams, SJ Park
2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2018
GraphMap: scalable iterative graph processing using NoSQL
S Goswami, A Pokhrel, K Lee, L Liu, Q Zhang, Y Zhou
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (9), 6619-6647, 2020
A hybrid and scalable error correction algorithm for indel and substitution errors of long reads
AK Das, S Goswami, K Lee, SJ Park
BMC genomics 20 (11), 1-15, 2019
Deep Learning-Based Spatial Analytics for Disaster-Related Tweets: An Experimental Study
S Shams, S Goswami, K Lee
2019 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 337-342, 2019
Large-scale parallel genome assembler over cloud computing environment
AK Das, PK Koppa, S Goswami, R Platania, SJ Park
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 15 (03), 1740003, 2017
Giga: Giraph-based genome assembler for gigabase scale genomes
PK Koppa, AK Das, S Goswami, R Platania, SJ Park
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics and …, 2016
Augmenting Amdahl's Second Law: A Theoretical Model to Build Cost-Effective Balanced HPC Infrastructure for Data-Driven Science
AK Das, J Hong, S Goswami, R Platania, K Lee, W Chang, SJ Park, L Liu
2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 147-154, 2017
Lazer: Distributed memory-efficient assembly of large-scale genomes
S Goswami, AK Das, R Płatania, K Lee, SJ Park
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1171-1181, 2016
A New Approach on Cluster based Call Scheduling for Mobile Networks
PKG Thakurta, S Basu, S Goswami, S Bandyopadhyay
Journal of Advances in Information Technology 3 (3), 184-190, 2012
Bic-lsu: Big data research integration with cyberinfrastructure for lsu
C Chiu, N Lewis, DK Singh, AK Das, MM Jalazai, R Platania, S Goswami, ...
Proceedings of the XSEDE16 Conference on Diversity, Big Data, and Science at …, 2016
Parsech: Parallel sequencing error correction with hadoop for large-scale genome
AK Das, S Shams, S Goswami, R Platania, K Lee, SJ Park
Proceedings of the 9th International BICob Conference. ISCA, 2017
Distributed de novo assembler for large-scale long-read datasets
S Goswami, K Lee, SJ Park
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1166-1175, 2020
A New Approach on Congestion Control with Delay Reduction in Mobile Networks
PKG Thakurta, S Bandyopadhyay, S Basu, S Goswami
2010 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in …, 2010
Memory-Efficient All-Pair Suffix-Prefix Overlaps on GPU
S Goswami
International Conference on Computational Science, 624-638, 2023
High-Performance Computing Frameworks for Large-Scale Genome Assembly
S Goswami
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2019
Design Methodology of Solar Powered Load Controller Using Sensor Assisted Remote Battery State of Charge Estimator
J Roy Chowdhury, A Chatterjee, S Basu, S Goswami, S Saha, S Poddar, ...
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 44298 …, 2010
Big Data Research Integration with Cyber-infrastructure for LSU
C Chiu, N Lewis, DK Singh, MM Jalalzai, R Platania, S Goswami, K Lee, ...
Journal of Advances in Information Technology
MA Rassam, MA Maarofi, KS Kuppusamy, G Aghila, S Lahmiri, FA Aloul, ...
Distributed Genome Preprocessing Using Apache Hadoop
CW Kazer, R Platania, S Goswami, AK Das, SJ Park
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