Olga Krasotkina
Olga Krasotkina
Markov Proceses International
Patvirtintas el. paštas
QuickBlaze: early fire detection using a combined video processing approach
WS Qureshi, M Ekpanyapong, MN Dailey, S Rinsurongkawong, ...
Fire technology 52, 1293-1317, 2016
A Bayesian approach to sparse learning-to-rank for search engine optimization
O Krasotkina, V Mottl
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: 11th International …, 2015
Combining pattern recognition modalities at the sensor level via kernel fusion
V Mottl, A Tatarchuk, V Sulimova, O Krasotkina, O Seredin
Multiple Classifier Systems: 7th International Workshop, MCS 2007, Prague …, 2007
Feature selection for handling concept drift in the data stream classification
P Turkov, O Krasotkina, V Mottl, A Sychugov
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: 12th International …, 2016
Dynamic analysis of hedge funds
M Markov, I Muchnik, V Mottl, O Krasotkina
The 3rd IASTED International Conference on Financial Engineering and …, 2006
Time-varying regression model with unknown time-volatility for nonstationary signal analysis
M Markov, O Krasotkina, V Mottl, I Muchnik
Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image …, 2006
Bayesian approach to the pattern recognition problem in nonstationary environment
OV Krasotkina, VV Mottl, PA Turkov
Lecture notes in Computer Science, 24-29, 2011
Principles of multi-kernel data mining
V Mottl, O Krasotkina, O Seredin, I Muchnik
International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern …, 2005
Dynamic programming for bayesian logistic regression learning under concept drift
P Turkov, O Krasotkina, V Mottl
Lecture notes in Computer Science // International Conference on Pattern …, 2013
Kernel fusion and feature selection in machine learning
V Mottl, O Krasotkina, O Seredin, I Muchnik
Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent …, 2005
Dynamic programming algorithms for analysis of nonstationary signals
AA Kostin, OV Krasotkina, MR Markov, VV Mottl, IB Muchnik
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 44 (1), 62-77, 2004
Алгоритмы динамического программирования для анализа нестационарных сигналов
AA Костин, ОВ Красоткина, МВ Марков, ВВ Моттль, ИБ Мучник
Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики 44 (1), 70-86, 2004
Fast global image denoising algorithm on the basis of nonstationary gamma-normal statistical model
I Gracheva, A Kopylov, O Krasotkina
Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 4th International Conference …, 2015
A bayesian approach to sparse cox regression in high-dimentional survival analysis
O Krasotkina, V Mottl
International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern …, 2015
Real-time smoke detection in video sequences: Combined approach
M Anton, K Olga
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: 5th International Conference …, 2013
A signal processing algorithm based on parametric dynamic programming
A Kopylov, O Krasotkina, O Pryimak, V Mottl
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciencе, 280-286, 2010
Automatic Rail Flaw Localization and Recognition by Featureless Ultrasound Signal Analysis
V Sulimova, A Zhukov, O Krasotkina, V Mottl, A Markov
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 16-27, 2018
Compactness hypothesis, potential functions, and rectifying linear space in machine learning
V Mottl, O Seredin, O Krasotkina
Braverman Readings in Machine Learning. Key Ideas from Inception to Current …, 2018
Байесовская логистическая регрессия в задаче обучения распознаванию образов при смещении решающего правила
ОВ Красоткина, ПА Турков, ВВ Моттль
Известия Тульского государственного университета. Технические науки, 177-187, 2013
Constrained Regularized Regression Model Search in Large Sets of Regressors
O Krasotkina, M Markov, V Mottl, I Pugach, D Babichev, A Morozov
Lecture notes in Computer Science, 394-408, 2018
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20