Aitian Chen
Aitian Chen
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Light‐responsive ion‐redistribution‐induced resistive switching in hybrid perovskite Schottky junctions
X Guan, W Hu, MA Haque, N Wei, Z Liu, A Chen, T Wu*
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (3), 1704665, 2018
Electric field manipulation of magnetization rotation and tunneling magnetoresistance of magnetic tunnel junctions at room temperature
P Li#, A Chen#, D Li#, Y Zhao*, S Zhang, L Yang, Y Liu, M Zhu, H Zhang, ...
Advanced materials 26 (25), 4320-4325, 2014
Giant nonvolatile manipulation of magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions by electric fields via magnetoelectric coupling
A Chen#, Y Wen#, B Fang, Y Zhao, Q Zhang, Y Chang, P Li, H Wu, ...
Nature communications 10, 243, 2019
Magnetic memory driven by topological insulators
H Wu#*, A Chen#, P Zhang#, H He, J Nance, C Guo, J Sasaki, ...
Nature Communications 12, 6251, 2021
Angular dependence of exchange bias and magnetization reversal controlled by electric‐field‐induced competing anisotropies
A Chen, Y Zhao*, P Li, X Zhang, R Peng, H Huang, L Zou, X Zheng, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (2), 363-369, 2016
Bipolar loop-like non-volatile strain in the (001)-oriented Pb (Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3) O 3-PbTiO 3 single crystals
L Yang, Y Zhao*, S Zhang, P Li, Y Gao, Y Yang, H Huang, P Miao, Y Liu, ...
Scientific reports 4, 4591, 2014
Electric-field modulation of interface magnetic anisotropy and spin reorientation transition in (Co/Pt) 3/PMN–PT heterostructure
Y Sun#, Y Ba#, A Chen#, W He, W Wang, X Zheng, L Zou, Y Zhang, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (12), 10855-10864, 2017
Research Update: Electrical manipulation of magnetism through strain-mediated magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic heterostructures
AT Chen, YG Zhao*
APL Materials 4 (3), 032303, 2016
Evolution of Ni nanofilaments and electromagnetic coupling in the resistive switching of NiO
Y Luo, D Zhao, Y Zhao*, F Chiang, P Chen, M Guo, N Luo, X Jiang, ...
Nanoscale 7 (2), 642-649, 2014
Full voltage manipulation of the resistance of a magnetic tunnel junction
A Chen, Y Zhao, Y Wen, L Pan, P Li, XX Zhang*
Science advances 5 (12), eaay5141, 2019
Spatially resolved ferroelectric domain-switching-controlled magnetism in Co40Fe40B20/Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) 0.7 Ti0. 3O3 multiferroic heterostructure
P Li, Y Zhao*, S Zhang, A Chen, D Li, J Ma, Y Liu, DT Pierce, J Unguris, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (3), 2642-2649, 2017
Ferroelectricity and self-polarization in ultrathin relaxor ferroelectric films
P Miao, Y Zhao*, N Luo, D Zhao, A Chen, Z Sun, M Guo, M Zhu, H Zhang, ...
Scientific reports 6, 19965, 2016
Strain-mediated coexistence of volatile and nonvolatile converse magnetoelectric effects in Fe/Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) 0.7 Ti0. 3O3 heterostructure
S Zhang*, Q Chen, Y Liu, A Chen, L Yang, P Li, ZS Ming, Y Yu, W Sun, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (24), 20637-20647, 2017
Electric-field control of magnetism in Co40Fe40B20/(1-x) Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3-xPbTiO3 multiferroic heterostructures with different ferroelectric phases
Y Liu, Y Zhao*, P Li, S Zhang, D Li, H Wu, A Chen, Y Xu, XF Han, S Li, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (6), 3784-3791, 2016
Magnetoelectric Memory Based on Ferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Multiferroic Heterostructure
J Wang, A Chen*, P Li*, S Zhang*
Materials 14 (16), 4623, 2021
Low‐power and Field‐free Perpendicular Magnetic Memory Driven by Topological Insulators
B Cui#, A Chen#*, X Zhang#, B Fang#, Z Zeng, P Zhang, J Zhang, W He, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (31), 2302350, 2023
High-performance van der Waals antiferroelectric CuCrP2S6-based memristors
Y Ma#, Y Yan#, L Luo#, S Pazos, C Zhang, X Lv, M Chen, C Liu, Y Wang, ...
Nature Communications 14, 7891, 2023
Magnetoresistance behavior of conducting filaments in resistive-switching NiO with different resistance states
D Zhao, S Qiao, Y Luo, A Chen, P Zhang, P Zheng, Z Sun, M Guo, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (12), 10835-10846, 2017
Current-Induced Magnetization Switching Across a Nearly Room-Temperature Compensation Point in an Insulating Compensated Ferrimagnet
Y Li, D Zheng, C Liu, C Zhang, B Fang, A Chen, Y Ma, A Manchon, ...
ACS nano 16 (5), 8181-8189, 2022
Electrical manipulation of exchange bias in an antiferromagnet/ferromagnet-based device via spin–orbit torque
B Fang, LSTS José, A Chen, Y Li, D Zheng, Y Ma, H Algaidi, K Liu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (26), 2112406, 2022
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