Hunter G. Close
Hunter G. Close
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Becoming physics people: Development of integrated physics identity through the Learning Assistant experience
EW Close, J Conn, HG Close
Physical Review Physics Education Research 12 (1), 010109, 2016
Representing energy. I. Representing a substance ontology for energy
RE Scherr, HG Close, SB McKagan, S Vokos
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 8 (2), 020114, 2012
Representing energy. II. Energy tracking representations
RE Scherr, HG Close, EW Close, S Vokos
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 8 (2), 020115, 2012
Negotiating energy dynamics through embodied action in a materially structured environment
RE Scherr, HG Close, EW Close, VJ Flood, SB McKagan, AD Robertson, ...
Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 9 (2), 020105, 2013
Enacting Conceptual Metaphor through Blending: Learning activities embodying the substance metaphor for energy
HG Close, RE Scherr
Conceptual metaphor and embodied cognition in science learning, 107-134, 2018
Energy tracking diagrams
RE Scherr, BW Harrer, HG Close, AR Daane, LS DeWater, AD Robertson, ...
The Physics Teacher 54 (2), 96-102, 2016
Student understanding of the angular momentum of classical particles
HG Close, PRL Heron
American Journal of Physics 79 (10), 1068-1078, 2011
Student understanding of the application of Newton's second law to rotating rigid bodies
HG Close, LS Gomez, PRL Heron
American Journal of Physics 81 (6), 458-470, 2013
The pedagogical value of conceptual metaphor for secondary science teachers
AR Daane, J Haglund, AD Robertson, HG Close, RE Scherr
Science Education 102 (5), 1051-1076, 2018
Research as a guide for improving student learning: An example from momentum conservation
HG Close, PRL Heron
American Journal of Physics 78 (9), 961-969, 2010
Intuitive ontologies for energy in physics
RE Scherr, HG Close, SB McKagan
AIP Conference Proceedings 1413 (1), 343-346, 2012
Understanding the learning assistant experience with physics identity
EW Close, HG Close, D Donnelly
AIP Conference Proceedings 1513 (1), 106-109, 2013
“Energy Theater”: Using The Body Symbolically To Understand Energy
RE Scherr, HG Close, SB McKagan, EW Close
AIP Conference Proceedings 1289 (1), 293-296, 2010
Criteria for creating and categorizing forms of energy
SB McKagan, RE Scherr, EW Close, HG Close
AIP Conference Proceedings 1413 (1), 279-282, 2012
Using the Algebra Project method to regiment discourse in an energy course for teachers
HG Close, LS De Water, EW Close, RE Scherr, SB McKagan
AIP Conference Proceedings 1289 (1), 9-12, 2010
Students’ dynamic geometric reasoning about quantum spin-1/2 states
H Close, C Schiber, EW Close, D Donnelly
Physics Education Research Conference, 93-96, 2013
Learning assistants’ development of physics (teacher) identity
EW Close, J Conn, HG Close
2013 Physics Education Research Conference proceedings, 89-92, 2013
Learning Assistant identity development: Is one semester enough?
J Conn, EW Close, HG Close
work 3, 4, 2014
Elements of proximal formative assessment in learners' discourse about energy
BW Harrer, RE Scherr, MC Wittmann, HG Close, BW Frank
AIP Conference Proceedings 1413 (1), 203-206, 2012
Characterization of time scale for detecting impacts of reforms in an undergraduate physics program
EW Close, JM Mailloux-Huberdeau, HG Close, D Donnelly
AIP Conference Proceedings: 2017 Physics Education Research Conference, 88-91, 2018
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