Larry Chonko
Larry Chonko
Professor of Marketing
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Corporate ethical values and organizational commitment in marketing
SD Hunt, VR Wood, LB Chonko
Journal of marketing 53 (3), 79-90, 1989
Regulatory focus as a mediator of the influence of initiating structure and servant leadership on employee behavior.
MJ Neubert, KM Kacmar, DS Carlson, LB Chonko, JA Roberts
Journal of applied psychology 93 (6), 1220, 2008
The virtuous influence of ethical leadership behavior: Evidence from the field
MJ Neubert, DS Carlson, KM Kacmar, JA Roberts, LB Chonko
Journal of business ethics 90, 157-170, 2009
'Ethics and Marketing Management: An Empirical Examination'
LB Chonko, SD Hunt
August) 13, 339-359, 1985
Organizational commitment and marketing
SD Hunt, LB Chonko, VR Wood
Journal of marketing 49 (1), 112-126, 1985
Marketing and machiavellianism
SD Hunt, LB Chonko
Journal of Marketing 48 (3), 30-42, 1984
Examining the impact of servant leadership on salesperson’s turnover intention
F Jaramillo, DB Grisaffe, LB Chonko, JA Roberts
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 29 (4), 351-365, 2009
The role of overload on job attitudes, turnover intentions, and salesperson performance
E Jones, L Chonko, D Rangarajan, J Roberts
Journal of Business Research 60 (7), 663-671, 2007
Ethical problems of marketing researchers
SD Hunt, LB Chonko, JB Wilcox
Journal of marketing Research 21 (3), 309-324, 1984
Examining the impact of servant leadership on sales force performance
F Jaramillo, DB Grisaffe, LB Chonko, JA Roberts
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 29 (3), 257-275, 2009
Organizational readiness for change, individual fear of change, and sales manager performance: An empirical investigation
WA Weeks, J Roberts, LB Chonko, E Jones
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 24 (1), 7-17, 2004
Generation Y’s ethical ideology and its potential workplace implications
RA VanMeter, DB Grisaffe, LB Chonko, JA Roberts
Journal of business ethics 117, 93-109, 2013
The impact of ethics code familiarity on manager behavior
TR Wotruba, LB Chonko, TW Loe
Journal of Business Ethics 33, 59-69, 2001
Ethical problems in public accounting: The view from the top
DW Finn, LB Chonko, SD Hunt
Journal of business ethics 7, 605-615, 1988
Of “likes” and “pins”: The effects of consumers’ attachment to social media
RA VanMeter, DB Grisaffe, LB Chonko
Journal of Interactive Marketing 32 (1), 70-88, 2015
Key accounts and team selling: a review, framework, and research agenda
E Jones, AL Dixon, LB Chonko, JP Cannon
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 25 (2), 181-198, 2005
Salesperson perceptions of equity and justice and their impact on organizational commitment and intent to turnover
JA Roberts, KR Coulson, LB Chonko
Journal of marketing theory and practice 7 (1), 1-16, 1999
The effect of perceived ethical climate on the search for sales force excellence
WA Weeks, TW Loe, LB Chonko, K Wakefield
Journal of personal selling & sales management 24 (3), 199-214, 2004
The need for speed: Agility selling
LB Chonko, E Jones
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 25 (4), 371-382, 2005
Serving first for the benefit of others: Preliminary evidence for a hierarchical conceptualization of servant leadership
DB Grisaffe, R VanMeter, LB Chonko
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 36 (1), 40-58, 2016
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