Straipsniai su viešo pasiekiamumo įpareigojimais - Sharon G. WolfSužinokite daugiau
Niekur nepasiekiama: 3
SP1 protein-based nanostructures and arrays
I Medalsy, O Dgany, M Sowwan, H Cohen, A Yukashevska, SG Wolf, ...
Nano letters 8 (2), 473-477, 2008
Įpareigojimai: German Research Foundation
Real-time molecular scale observation of crystal formation
RE Schreiber, L Houben, SG Wolf, G Leitus, ZL Lang, JJ Carbó, JM Poblet, ...
Nature Chemistry 9 (4), 369-373, 2017
Įpareigojimai: Government of Spain
Specialized Listeria monocytogenes produce tailocins to provide a population-level competitive growth advantage
N Sigal, R Lichtenstein-Wolfheim, S Schlussel, G Azulay, I Borovok, ...
Nature Microbiology, 1-11, 2024
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
Kur nors pasiekiama: 22
Damage-free vibrational spectroscopy of biological materials in the electron microscope
P Rez, T Aoki, K March, D Gur, OL Krivanek, N Dellby, TC Lovejoy, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10945, 2016
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
3D visualization of mitochondrial solid-phase calcium stores in whole cells
SG Wolf, Y Mutsafi, T Dadosh, T Ilani, Z Lansky, B Horowitz, S Rubin, ...
eLife 6, 2017
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
Hijacking of an autophagy-like process is critical for the life cycle of a DNA virus infecting oceanic algal blooms.
D Schatz, A Shemi, S Rosenwasser, H Sabanay, SG Wolf, A Ben-Dor, ...
New Phytology 204 (4), 854-863, 2014
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
Communication via extracellular vesicles enhances viral infection of a cosmopolitan alga
D Schatz, S Rosenwasser, S Malitsky, SG Wolf, E Feldmesser, A Vardi
Nature Microbiology 2, 1485, 2017
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
Toward atomic-scale bright-field electron tomography for the study of fullerene-like nanostructures
M Bar Sadan, L Houben, SG Wolf, A Enyashin, G Seifert, R Tenne, ...
Nano letters 8 (3), 891-896, 2008
Įpareigojimai: German Research Foundation
Ribosome-associated vesicles: A dynamic subcompartment of the endoplasmic reticulum in secretory cells
SD Carter, CM Hampton, R Langlois, R Melero, ZJ Farino, MJ Calderon, ...
Science advances 6 (14), eaay9572, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Distinct biological events generated by ECM proteolysis by two homologous collagenases
I Solomonov, E Zehorai, D Talmi-Frank, SG Wolf, A Shainskaya, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (39), 10884-10889, 2016
Įpareigojimai: Wellcome Trust
Hsp40s play complementary roles in the prevention of tau amyloid formation
R Irwin, O Faust, I Petrovic, SG Wolf, H Hofmann, R Rosenzweig
Elife 10, e69601, 2021
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
Structural evidence for extracellular silica formation by diatoms
B Mayzel, L Aram, N Varsano, SG Wolf, A Gal
Nature communications 12 (1), 4639, 2021
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
Reactivity and O2 Formation by Mn (IV)-and Mn (V)-Hydroxo Species Stabilized within a Polyfluoroxometalate Framework
RE Schreiber, H Cohen, G Leitus, SG Wolf, A Zhou, L Que Jr, R Neumann
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (27), 8738-8748, 2015
Įpareigojimai: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Crystals of benzamide, the first polymorphous molecular compound, are helicoidal
AG Shtukenberg, R Drori, EV Sturm, N Vidavsky, A Haddad, J Zheng, ...
Angewandte Chemie 132 (34), 14701-14709, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
3D mapping of native extracellular matrix reveals cellular responses to the microenvironment
Z Lansky, Y Mutsafi, L Houben, T Ilani, G Armony, SG Wolf, D Fass
Journal of Structural Biology: X 1, 100002, 2019
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
Bacteria conjugate ubiquitin-like proteins to interfere with phage assembly
J Hör, SG Wolf, R Sorek
Nature 631 (8022), 850-856, 2024
Įpareigojimai: European Commission
SARS-CoV-2 Production, Purification Methods and UV Inactivation for Proteomics and Structural Studies
Z Plavec, A Domanska, X Liu, P Laine, L Paulin, M Varjosalo, P Auvinen, ...
Viruses 14 (9), 1989, 2022
Įpareigojimai: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Academy of Finland, European Commission
Amalgam, an axon guidance Drosophila adhesion protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily: over-expression, purification and biophysical characterization
T Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, A Paz, Y Peleg, L Toker, SG Wolf, EH Rydberg, ...
Protein expression and purification 63 (2), 147-157, 2009
Įpareigojimai: Autism Speaks Inc, USA
Elemental compositions of sea urchin larval cell vesicles evaluated by cryo-STEM-EDS and cryo-SEM-EDS
K Kahil, I Kaplan-Ashiri, SG Wolf, K Rechav, S Weiner, L Addadi
Acta biomaterialia 155, 482-490, 2023
Įpareigojimai: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Bright-field electron tomography of individual inorganic fullerene-like structures
MB Sadan, SG Wolf, L Houben
Nanoscale 2 (3), 423-428, 2010
Įpareigojimai: German Research Foundation
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