Vikram Kumar
Vikram Kumar
Graphic Era
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Evaluation of comparative engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics of low temperature combustion (PCCI and RCCI) modes
AP Singh, V Kumar, AK Agarwal
Applied Energy 278, 115644, 2020
Tribological studies of epoxy composites with solid and liquid fillers
V Kumar, SK Sinha, AK Agarwal
Tribology International 105, 27-36, 2017
Gaseous emissions (regulated and unregulated) and particulate characteristics of a medium-duty CRDI transportation diesel engine fueled with diesel-alcohol blends
V Kumar, AP Singh, AK Agarwal
Fuel 278, 118269, 2020
Adaptation of methanol–dodecanol–diesel blend in diesel genset engine
AK Agarwal, N Sharma, AP Singh, V Kumar, DP Satsangi, C Patel
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141 (10), 102203, 2019
Enhanced tribological and bacterial resistance of carbon nanotube with ceria-and silver-incorporated hydroxyapatite biocoating
A Pandey, AK Patel, A S, V Kumar, RK Sharma, S Kanhed, VK Nigam, ...
Nanomaterials 8 (6), 363, 2018
Particulate characteristics of low-temperature combustion (PCCI and RCCI) strategies in single cylinder research engine for developing sustainable and cleaner transportation …
AK Agarwal, AP Singh, V Kumar
Environmental pollution 284, 117375, 2021
Wear evaluation of engine piston rings coated with dual layer hard and soft coatings
V Kumar, SK Sinha, AK Agarwal
Journal of Tribology 141 (3), 031301, 2019
Experimental investigations of mineral diesel/methanol-fueled reactivity controlled compression ignition engine operated at variable engine loads and premixed ratios
AP Singh, N Sharma, V Kumar, AK Agarwal
International Journal of Engine Research 22 (7), 2375-2389, 2021
Automotive tribology
JK Katiyar, S Bhattacharya, VK Patel, V Kumar
Springer, 2019
Fuel injection strategy for utilization of mineral diesel-methanol blend in a common rail direct injection engine
AP Singh, N Sharma, V Kumar, DP Satsangi, AK Agarwal
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 142 (8), 082305, 2020
Fuel injection strategy optimisation and experimental performance and emissions evaluation of diesel displacement by port fuel injected methanol in a retrofitted mid-size …
AK Agarwal, V Kumar, A Jena, A Kalwar
Energy 248, 123593, 2022
Tribological studies of epoxy and its composite coatings on steel in dry and lubricated sliding
V Kumar, SK Sinha, AK Agarwal
Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 9 (3), 144-153, 2015
Evaluation of reactivity controlled compression ignition mode combustion engine using mineral diesel/gasoline fuel pair
AP Singh, V Kumar, AK Agarwal
Fuel 301, 120986, 2021
Tribological studies of dual-coating (intermediate hard with top epoxy-graphene-base oil composite layers) on tool steel in dry and lubricated conditions
V Kumar, SK Sinha, AK Agarwal
Tribology International 127, 10-23, 2018
Feasibility study of novel DME fuel injection equipment: Part 2-performance, combustion, regulated and unregulated emissions
NK Mukherjee, H Valera, S Unnithan, V Kumar, V Dhyani, S Mehra, ...
Fuel 323, 124338, 2022
Feasibility study of novel DME fuel injection Equipment: Part 1-fuel injection strategies and spray characteristics
NK Mukherjee, H Valera, S Unnithan, V Kumar, V Dhyani, S Mehra, ...
Fuel 323, 124333, 2022
Alcohol-fueled reactivity-controlled compression ignition combustion for partial replacement of mineral diesel in internal combustion engines
A Agarwal, AP Singh, V Kumar, N Sharma, DP Satsangi
SAE International Journal of Engines 14 (6), 785-804, 2021
Dimethyl ether fuel injection system development for a compression ignition engine for increasing the thermal efficiency and reducing emissions
AK Agarwal, S Mehra, H Valera, NK Mukherjee, V Kumar, D Nene
Energy Conversion and Management 287, 117067, 2023
Reactivity controlled compression ignition engine fueled with mineral diesel and butanol at varying premixed ratios and loads
AK Agarwal, AP Singh, V Kumar
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (2), 022304, 2022
Reactivity-controlled compression ignition combustion using alcohols
AP Singh, N Sharma, DP Satsangi, V Kumar, AK Agarwal
Advanced engine diagnostics, 9-28, 2019
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