Sungyeol Choi
Insights on uranium uptake mechanisms by ion exchange resins with chelating functionalities: Chelation vs. anion exchange
JTM Amphlett, S Choi, SA Parry, EM Moon, CA Sharrad, MD Ogden
Chemical Engineering Journal 392, 123712, 2020
Fourteen lessons learned from the successful nuclear power program of the Republic of Korea
S Choi, E Jun, IS Hwang, A Starz, T Mazour, SH Chang, AR Burkart
Energy policy 37 (12), 5494-5508, 2009
PASCAR: Long burning small modular reactor based on natural circulation
S Choi, JH Cho, MH Bae, J Lim, D Puspitarini, JH Jeun, HG Joo, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 (5), 1486-1499, 2011
Cyclic voltammetry on zirconium redox reactions in LiCl-KCl-ZrCl4 at 500 C for electrorefining contaminated zircaloy-4 cladding
J Park, S Choi, S Sohn, KR Kim, IS Hwang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (3), H97, 2013
Aerodynamic diameter and radioactivity distributions of radioactive aerosols from activated metals cutting for nuclear power plant decommissioning
N Chae, MH Lee, S Choi, BG Park, JS Song
Journal of hazardous materials 369, 727-745, 2019
Three-dimensional multispecies current density simulation of molten-salt electrorefining
S Choi, J Park, KR Kim, HS Jung, IS Hwang, BG Park, KW Yi, HS Lee, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 503 (1), 177-185, 2010
Advanced passive design of small modular reactor cooled by heavy liquid metal natural circulation
YH Shin, S Choi, J Cho, JH Kim, IS Hwang
Progress in Nuclear Energy 83, 433-442, 2015
Preliminary conceptual design and cost estimation for Korea Advanced Pyroprocessing Facility Plus (KAPF+)
WI Ko, HH Lee, S Choi, SK Kim, BH Park, HJ Lee, IT Kim, HS Lee
Nuclear Engineering and Design 277, 212-224, 2014
The effect of increasing water content on transition metal speciation in deep eutectic solvents
JTM Amphlett, S Choi
Journal of Molecular Liquids 332, 115845, 2021
Transient modeling of spent nuclear fuel electrorefining with liquid metal electrode
S Seo, S Choi, BG Park
Journal of Nuclear Materials 491, 115-125, 2017
URANUS: Korean lead-bismuth cooled small modular fast reactor activities
S Choi, IS Hwang, JH Cho, CB Shim
Small modular reactors symposium 54730, 107-112, 2011
Economic potential of fuel recycling options: A lifecycle cost analysis of future nuclear system transition in China
R Gao, S Choi, WI Ko, S Kim
Energy Policy 101, 526-536, 2017
Uncertainty studies of real anode surface area in computational analysis for molten salt electrorefining
S Choi, J Park, RO Hoover, S Phongikaroon, MF Simpson, KR Kim, ...
Journal of Nuclear materials 416 (3), 318-326, 2011
Probing Ni2+ and Co2+ speciation in carboxylic acid based deep eutectic solvents using UV/Vis and FT-IR spectroscopy
JTM Amphlett, MD Ogden, W Yang, S Choi
Journal of molecular Liquids 318, 114217, 2020
Dynamic analysis of once-through and closed fuel cycle economics using Monte Carlo simulation
S Choi, HJ Lee, WI Ko
Nuclear Engineering and Design 277, 234-247, 2014
Environmental assessment of advanced partitioning, transmutation, and disposal based on long-term risk-informed regulation: PyroGreen
HS Jung, S Choi, IS Hwang, MJ Song
Progress in Nuclear Energy 58, 27-38, 2012
Performance assessment of HEPA filter against radioactive aerosols from metal cutting during nuclear decommissioning
MH Lee, W Yang, N Chae, S Choi
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 52 (5), 1043-1050, 2020
Cyclic voltammetry on Zr, Sn, Fe, Cr and Co in LiCl-KCl salts at 500° C for electrorefining of irradiated zircaloy-4 cladding
J Park, S Choi, S Sohn, IS Hwang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (12), D744, 2017
The curious temperature dependence of fluoride molten salt thermal conductivity
SG Robertson, R Wiser, W Yang, D Kang, S Choi, E Baglietto, MP Short
Journal of Applied Physics 131 (22), 2022
Corrosion behavior of surface treated steel in liquid sodium negative electrode of liquid metal battery
J Lee, SH Shin, JK Lee, S Choi, JH Kim
Journal of Power Sources 307, 526-537, 2016
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