Mayukh Raj Gangopadhyay
Mayukh Raj Gangopadhyay
Assistant Professor(Senior), Centre for Cosmology and Science Popularization
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No-go for the formation of heavy mass Primordial Black Holes in Single Field Inflation
S Choudhury, MR Gangopadhyay, M Sami
The European Physical Journal C 84 (9), 884, 2024
Constraining warm inflation with CMB data
M Bastero-Gil, S Bhattacharya, K Dutta, MR Gangopadhyay
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (02), 054, 2018
Inflation with a quartic potential in the framework of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
EO Pozdeeva, MR Gangopadhyay, M Sami, AV Toporensky, SY Vernov
Physical Review D 102 (4), 043525, 2020
Late-time acceleration due to a generic modification of gravity and the Hubble tension
SA Adil, MR Gangopadhyay, M Sami, MK Sharma
Physical Review D 104 (10), 103534, 2021
Primordial black-hole dark matter via warm natural inflation
M Correa, MR Gangopadhyay, N Jaman, GJ Mathews
Physics Letters B 835, 137510, 2022
Paradigm of warm quintessential inflation and production of relic gravity waves
MR Gangopadhyay, S Myrzakul, M Sami, MK Sharma
Physical Review D 103 (4), 043505, 2021
Phantom dark energy as a natural selection of evolutionary processes la genetic algorithm and cosmological tensions
MR Gangopadhyay, M Sami, MK Sharma
Physical Review D 108 (10), 103526, 2023
New observational limits on dark radiation in braneworld cosmology
N Sasankan, MR Gangopadhyay, GJ Mathews, M Kusakabe
Physical Review D 95 (8), 083516, 2017
Confronting Kähler moduli inflation with CMB data
S Bhattacharya, K Dutta, MR Gangopadhyay, A Maharana
Physical Review D 97 (12), 123533, 2018
Production of primordial black holes via single field inflation and observational constraints
MR Gangopadhyay, JC Jain, D Sharma, Yogesh
The European Physical Journal C 82 (9), 849, 2022
Power law plateau inflation potential in the RS II braneworld evading swampland conjecture
R Adhikari, MR Gangopadhyay, Yogesh
The European Physical Journal C 80 (9), 899, 2020
The paradigm of warm quintessential inflation and spontaneous baryogenesis
S Basak, S Bhattacharya, MR Gangopadhyay, N Jaman, R Rangarajan, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022 (03), 063, 2022
Limits on brane-world and particle dark radiation from big bang nucleosynthesis and the CMB
N Sasankan, MR Gangopadhyay, GJ Mathews, M Kusakabe
International Journal of Modern Physics E 26 (08), 1741007, 2017
Possible evidence for Planck-scale resonant particle production during inflation from the CMB power spectrum
GJ Mathews, MR Gangopadhyay, K Ichiki, T Kajino
Physical Review D 92 (12), 123519, 2015
Probing the era of reheating for reconstructed inflationary potential in the RS II braneworld
S Bhattacharya, K Das, MR Gangopadhyay
Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (21), 215009, 2020
-attractor inflation: Models and predictions
S Bhattacharya, K Dutta, MR Gangopadhyay, A Maharana
Physical Review D 107 (10), 103530, 2023
Generic modification of gravity, late time acceleration and Hubble tension
MR Gangopadhyay, SKJ Pacif, M Sami, MK Sharma
Universe 9 (2), 83, 2023
Fiber inflation and precision CMB data
S Bhattacharya, K Dutta, MR Gangopadhyay, A Maharana, K Singh
Physical Review D 102 (12), 123531, 2020
Explaining low anomalies in the CMB power spectrum with resonant superstring excitations during inflation
MR Gangopadhyay, GJ Mathews, K Ichiki, T Kajino
The European Physical Journal C 78 (9), 733, 2018
Is the NANOGrav detection evidence of resonant particle creation during inflation?
MR Gangopadhyay, VV Godithi, R Inui, K Ichiki, T Kajino, A Manusankar, ...
Journal of High Energy Astrophysics, 100358, 2025
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