Oguzhan Ceylan
Coordinated electric vehicle charging with reactive power support to distribution grids
J Wang, GR Bharati, S Paudyal, O Ceylan, BP Bhattarai, KS Myers
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (1), 54-63, 2018
A multi-objective framework for distributed energy resources planning and storage management
B Ahmadi, O Ceylan, A Ozdemir, M Fotuhi-Firuzabad
Applied Energy 314, 118887, 2022
Distributed energy resource allocation using multi-objective grasshopper optimization algorithm
B Ahmadi, O Ceylan, A Ozdemir
Electric Power Systems Research 201, 107564, 2021
A multi-objective optimization evaluation framework for integration of distributed energy resources
B Ahmadi, O Ceylan, A Ozdemir
Journal of Energy Storage 41, 103005, 2021
Grey wolf optimizer for allocation and sizing of distributed renewable generation
B Ahmadi, O Ceylan, A Özdemir
2019 54th international universities power engineering conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2019
Coordinated distribution network control of tap changer transformers, capacitors and PV inverters
O Ceylan, G Liu, K Tomsovic
Electrical Engineering 100, 1133-1146, 2018
An advanced grey wolf optimization algorithm and its application to planning problem in smart grids
B Ahmadi, S Younesi, O Ceylan, A Ozdemir
Soft Computing 26 (8), 3789-3808, 2022
Gravitational search algorithm for post-outage bus voltage magnitude calculations
O Ceylan, A Ozdemir, H Dag
45th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC2010, 1-6, 2010
A comparative study of metaheuristic algorithms for wave energy converter power take-off optimisation: A case study for eastern australia
E Amini, D Golbaz, R Asadi, M Nasiri, O Ceylan, M Majidi Nezhad, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (5), 490, 2021
A robust load shedding strategy for microgrid islanding transition
G Liu, B Xiao, M Starke, O Ceylan, K Tomsovic
2016 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1-5, 2016
Reinforcement of the distribution grids to improve the hosting capacity of distributed generation: Multi-objective framework
B Ahmadi, O Ceylan, A Ozdemir
Electric Power Systems Research 217, 109120, 2023
Optimal coordinated EV charging with reactive power support in constrained distribution grids
S Paudyal, O Ceylan, BP Bhattarai, KS Myers
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2017
Optimal capacitor placement and sizing considering load profile variations using moth-flame optimization algorithm
O Ceylan, S Paudyal
2017 International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), 1-6, 2017
Nodal sensitivity-based smart inverter control for voltage regulation in distribution feeder
O Ceylan, S Paudyal, I Pisica
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 11 (4), 1105-1113, 2021
Reactive power control of PV inverters in active distribution grids with high PV penetration
FM Aboshady, I Pisica, AF Zobaa, GA Taylor, O Ceylan, A Ozdemir
IEEE Access 11, 81477-81496, 2023
Optimal DG allocation and sizing in radial distribution networks by Cuckoo search algorithm
M Majidi, A Ozdemir, O Ceylan
2017 19th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to …, 2017
Harmonic elimination of multilevel inverters by moth-flame optimization algorithm
O Ceylan
2016 international symposium on industrial electronics (INDEL), 1-5, 2016
Photovoltaic hosting capacity of feeders with reactive power control and tap changers
O Ceylan, S Paudyal, BP Bhattarai, KS Myers
2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2017
Comparative study of active power curtailment methods of PVs for preventing overvoltage on distribution feeders
S Paudyal, BP Bhattarai, R Tonkoski, S Dahal, O Ceylan
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Distribution system voltage regulation by distributed energy resources
O Ceylan, G Liu, Y Xu, K Tomsovic
2014 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-5, 2014
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