Salvatore Iaccarino
Salvatore Iaccarino
Associate Professor; Dipartimento Scienze della Terra, Torino University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Tectonometamorphic discontinuities within the Greater Himalayan Sequence in Western Nepal (Central Himalaya): Insights on the exhumation of crystalline rocks
C Montomoli, S Iaccarino, R Carosi, A Langone, D Visonà
Tectonophysics 608, 1349-1370, 2013
20 years of geological mapping of the metamorphic core across Central and Eastern Himalayas
R Carosi, C Montomoli, S Iaccarino
Earth-Science Reviews 177, 124-138, 2018
Pressure–temperature–time–deformation path of kyanite-bearing migmatitic paragneiss in the Kali Gandaki valley (Central Nepal): Investigation of Late Eocene–Early Oligocene …
S Iaccarino, C Montomoli, R Carosi, HJ Massonne, A Langone, D Visonà
Lithos 231, 103-121, 2015
Tectonometamorphic discontinuities in the Greater Himalayan Sequence: a local or a regional feature?
C Montomoli, R Carosi, S Iaccarino
Eocene partial melting recorded in peritectic garnets from kyanite-gneiss, Greater Himalayan Sequence, central Nepal
R Carosi, C Montomoli, A Langone, A Turina, B Cesare, S Iaccarino, ...
Middle to late Eocene exhumation of the Greater Himalayan Sequence in the Central Himalayas: Progressive accretion from the Indian plate
R Carosi, C Montomoli, S Iaccarino, HJ Massonne, D Rubatto, A Langone, ...
Bulletin 128 (11-12), 1571-1592, 2016
Geology and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Himalayan metamorphic core: insights from the Mugu Karnali transect, Western Nepal (Central Himalaya)
Iaccarino S., Montomoli C., Carosi R., Massonne H.-J., Visonà D.
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 35 (3), 301-325, 2017
Pressure‐temperature‐deformation‐time constraints on the South Tibetan Detachment System in the Garhwal Himalaya (NW India)
S Iaccarino, C Montomoli, R Carosi, C Montemagni, HJ Massonne, ...
Tectonics 36 (11), 2281-2304, 2017
Structural evolution, metamorphism and melting in the Greater Himalayan Sequence in central-western Nepal
R Carosi, C Montomoli, S Iaccarino, D Visonà
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 483 (1), 305-323, 2019
The Higher Himalayan Crystallines, Alaknanda – Dhauli Ganga Valleys, Garhwal Himalaya, India
AK Jain, M Shreshtha, P Seth, L Kanyal, R Carosi, C Montomoli, ...
Journal of the Virtual Explorer 47, 2014
Dating protracted fault activities: microstructures, microchemistry and geochronology of the Vaikrita Thrust, Main Central Thrust zone, Garhwal Himalaya, NW India
C Montemagni, C Montomoli, S Iaccarino, R Carosi, AK Jain, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 481 (1), 127-146, 2019
Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence (Himalayas, SE Tibet)
C Montomoli, S Iaccarino, B Antolin, E Appel, R Carosi, I Dunkl, D Lin, ...
Italian Journal of Geosciences 136 (1), 73-88, 2017
Kinematics and timing constraints in a transpressive tectonic regime: the example of the Posada-Asinara Shear Zone (NE Sardinia, Italy)
R Carosi, A Petroccia, S Iaccarino, M Simonetti, A Langone, C Montomoli
Geosciences 10 (8), 288, 2020
Three‐dimensional vorticity and time‐constrained evolution of the Main Central Thrust zone, Garhwal Himalaya (NW India)
C Montemagni, R Carosi, N Fusi, S Iaccarino, C Montomoli, IM Villa, ...
Terra Nova 32 (3), 215-224, 2020
Timing and kinematics of flow in a transpressive dextral shear zone, Maures Massif (Southern France)
M Simonetti, R Carosi, C Montomoli, M Corsini, A Petroccia, JM Cottle, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 109 (7), 2261-2285, 2020
Tectonic activity along the inner margin of the South Tibetan Detachment constrained by syntectonic leucogranite emplacement in Western Bhutan
C Montomoli, R Carosi, D Rubatto, D Visonà, S Iaccarino
Italian Journal of Geosciences 136 (1), 5-14, 2017
A geological journey through the deepest gorge on Earth: the Kali Gandaki valley section, central Nepal
R Carosi, L Gemignanni, L Godin, S Iaccarino, K Larson, C Montomoli, ...
Eds.) Chiara Montomoli, Rodolfo Carosi, Rick Law, Sandeep Singh, and Santa …, 2014
Age constraints on the deformation style of the South Tibetan Detachment System in Garhwal Himalaya
C Montemagni, S Iaccarino, C Montomonli, R Carosi, AK Jain, IM Villa
Italian Journal of Geosciences 137 (2), 175-187, 2018
The main central thrust zone along the Alaknanda and Dhauli Ganga valleys (Garhwal Himalaya, NW India): insights into an inverted metamorphic sequence
S Iaccarino, C Montomoli, C Montemagni, HJ Massonne, A Langone, ...
Lithos 372, 105669, 2020
Deformation and temperature variation along thrust-sense shear zones in the hinterland-foreland transition zone of collisional settings: A case study from the Barbagia Thrust …
A Petroccia, R Carosi, C Montomoli, S Iaccarino, AV Brovarone
Journal of Structural Geology 161, 104640, 2022
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