Dr. Surendra Singh Choudhary
Dr. Surendra Singh Choudhary
Ast.Prof.&Head (Computer Eng.,Govt.Engg. College-Bkn), Ph.D(IIT-R), M.Tech(IIT-R)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Black hole attack detection in vehicular ad-hoc network using secure AODV routing algorithm
A Kumar, V Varadarajan, A Kumar, P Dadheech, SS Choudhary, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 80, 103352, 2021
Mapping of agriculture drought using remote sensing and GIS
SS Choudhary, PK Garg, SK Ghosh
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology 1 (4), 149-157, 2012
A face recognition system based on back propagation neural network using Haar wavelet transform and morphology
K Gautam, N Quadri, A Pareek, SS Choudhary
Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication: ETCC 2014, March 22-23, 2014 …, 2014
Surface water area extraction by using water indices and DFPS method applied to satellites data
SS Choudhary, SK Ghosh
Sensing and Imaging 23 (1), 33, 2022
KC (2021). Black hole attack detection in vehicular ad-hoc network using secure AODV routing algorithm
A Kumar, V Varadarajan, A Kumar, P Dadheech, SS Choudhary, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 80, 103, 0
Analysis of rainfall and temperature using deep learning model
SS Choudhary, SK Ghosh
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 153 (1), 755-770, 2023
Drought analysis using digital image processing and meteorological data
SS Choudhary, PK Garg, SK Ghosh
Int. J. Adv. Remote Sens. GIS 2 (1), 280-302, 2013
Effective congestion less dynamic source routing for data transmission in MANETs
S Rajawat, M Kuri, A Chaudhary, SS Choudhary
Proceedings of the International Congress on Information and Communication …, 2016
Performance analysis and designing of fingerprints enhancement technique based on segmentation, of estimation and ridge frequency, gabor filters with wavelet transform
N Quadri, SS Choudhary
image 16, 18, 2014
Mapping of Agriculture Drought using Remote Sensing and GIS-Surendra Singh Choudhary
DPK Garg, DSK Ghosh
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology 4, 149-157, 2012
Trend Analysis Using Meteorological Data and Non-parametric Statistical Tests: A Case Study of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
SS Choudhary, R Saini
Improving Built-up Extraction Using Spectral Indices and Machine Learning on Sentinel-2 Satellite Data in Mumbai Suburban District, India.
R Saini, S Rawat, P Semwal, S Singh, SS Chaudhary, TH Jaware, ...
Traitement du Signal 41 (3), 2024
Analysis of reservoir outflow using deep learning model
SS Choudhary, SK Ghosh
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 10 (1), 579-594, 2024
BotNet Prediction in Social Media based on Feature Extraction with Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms
SS Choudhary, SK Ghosh, A Rajesh, BS Alfurhood, S Limkar, J Gill
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering …, 2023
Fast Face Recognition by Principal Component analysis Using Eigen Faces
P Sudarsan, SS Choudhary
Detection of Moving Object in Video using Space Time Context Model
K Gautam, S Choudhary
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