Dmitrii Nechaev
Dmitrii Nechaev
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Control of threading dislocation density at the initial growth stage of AlN on c-sapphire in plasma-assisted MBE
DV Nechaev, PA Aseev, VN Jmerik, PN Brunkov, YV Kuznetsova, ...
Journal of crystal growth 378, 319-322, 2013
Growth of thick AlN epilayers with droplet-free and atomically smooth surface by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy using laser reflectometry monitoring
VN Jmerik, AM Mizerov, DV Nechaev, PA Aseev, AA Sitnikova, ...
Journal of crystal growth 354 (1), 188-192, 2012
Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of Al (Ga) N layers and quantum well structures for optically pumped mid-UV lasers on c-Al2O3
SV Ivanov, DV Nechaev, AA Sitnikova, VV Ratnikov, MA Yagovkina, ...
Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (8), 084008, 2014
High-efficiency electron-beam-pumped sub-240-nm ultraviolet emitters based on ultra-thin GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy on c-Al2O3
VN Jmerik, DV Nechaev, AA Toropov, EA Evropeitsev, VI Kozlovsky, ...
Applied Physics Express 11 (9), 091003, 2018
E‐beam pumped mid‐UV sources based on MBE‐grown AlGaN MQW
SV Ivanov, VN Jmerik, DV Nechaev, VI Kozlovsky, MD Tiberi
physica status solidi (a) 212 (5), 1011-1016, 2015
Strongly confined excitons in GaN/AlN nanostructures with atomically thin GaN layers for efficient light emission in deep-ultraviolet
AA Toropov, EA Evropeitsev, MO Nestoklon, DS Smirnov, TV Shubina, ...
Nano Letters 20 (1), 158-165, 2019
Structural and optical properties of PA MBE AlGaN quantum well heterostructures grown on c-Al2O3 by using flux-and temperature-modulated techniques
VN Jmerik, DV Nechaev, S Rouvimov, VV Ratnikov, PS Kop'ev, ...
Journal of Materials Research 30 (19), 2871-2880, 2015
Effect of stoichiometric conditions and growth mode on threading dislocations filtering in AlN/c-Al2O3 templates grown by PA MBE
DV Nechaev, OA Koshelev, VV Ratnikov, PN Brunkov, AV Myasoedov, ...
Superlattices and Microstructures 138, 106368, 2020
Phonons in Short-Period GaN/AlN Superlattices: Group-Theoretical Analysis, Ab initio Calculations, and Raman Spectra
V Davydov, E Roginskii, Y Kitaev, A Smirnov, I Eliseyev, D Nechaev, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (2), 286, 2021
Kinetics of metal-rich PA molecular beam epitaxy of AlGaN heterostructures for mid-UV photonics
VN Jmerik, DV Nechaev, SV Ivanov
Molecular beam epitaxy, 135-179, 2018
Pulsed growth techniques in plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of AlxGa1− xN layers with medium Al content (x= 0.4–0.6)
DV Nechaev, PN Brunkov, SI Troshkov, VN Jmerik, SV Ivanov
Journal of Crystal Growth 425, 9-12, 2015
Monolayer-scale gan/aln multiple quantum wells for high power e-beam pumped uv-emitters in the 240–270 nm spectral range
V Jmerik, D Nechaev, K Orekhova, N Prasolov, V Kozlovsky, D Sviridov, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (10), 2553, 2021
Defect-related photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation as a method to study the excitonic bandgap of AlN epitaxial layers: Experimental and ab initio analysis
A Kaminska, K Koronski, P Strak, A Wierzbicka, M Sobanska, K Klosek, ...
Applied Physics Letters 117 (23), 2020
Suppression of the quantum-confined Stark effect in AlxGa1− xN/AlyGa1− yN corrugated quantum wells
AA Toropov, EA Shevchenko, TV Shubina, VN Jmerik, DV Nechaev, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (12), 2013
Stress control in thick AlN/c-Al2O3 templates grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
OA Koshelev, DV Nechaev, PN Brunkov, SV Ivanov, VN Jmerik
Semiconductor Science and Technology 36 (3), 035007, 2021
Direct observation of spatial distribution of carrier localization sites in ultrathin GaN/AlN quantum wells by spreading resistance microscopy
DE Sviridov, VN Jmerik, S Rouvimov, DV Nechaev, VI Kozlovsky, ...
Applied Physics Letters 114 (6), 2019
Selective area growth of N-polar GaN nanorods by plasma-assisted MBE on micro-cone-patterned c-sapphire substrates
VN Jmerik, NV Kuznetsova, DV Nechaev, TV Shubina, DA Kirilenko, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 477, 207-211, 2017
Monitoring of elastic stresses with optical system for measuring the substrate curvature in growth of III-N heterostructures by molecular-beam epitaxy
DS Zolotukhin, DV Nechaev, SV Ivanov, VN Zhmerik
Technical Physics Letters 43, 262-266, 2017
Spontaneous and stimulated emission in the mid-ultraviolet range of quantum-well heterostructures based on AlGaN compounds grown by molecular beam epitaxy on c-sapphire substrates
EV Lutsenko, NV Rzheutskii, VN Pavlovskii, GP Yablonskii, DV Nechaev, ...
Physics of the Solid State 55, 2173-2181, 2013
Solar-blind Al x Ga1–x N (x > 0.45) pin photodiodes with a polarization-p-doped emitter
NV Kuznetsova, DV Nechaev, NM Shmidt, SY Karpov, NV Rzheutskii, ...
Technical Physics Letters 42, 635-638, 2016
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