A theorem of finite sets G Katona Classic Papers in Combinatorics, 381-401, 1987 | 784 | 1987 |
Intersection theorems for systems of finite sets G Katona Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica 15, 329-337, 1964 | 328 | 1964 |
A simple proof of the Erdös-Chao Ko-Rado theorem GOH Katona Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 13 (2), 183-184, 1972 | 295 | 1972 |
On some new inequalities concerning extremal properties of graphs P Erdos Theory of Graphs (Proc. Colloq., Tihany, 1966), 77-81, 1966 | 177 | 1966 |
Two applications (for search theory and truth functions) of Sperner type theorems GOH Katona Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 3 (1-2), 19-26, 1973 | 170 | 1973 |
Graphs with maximal number of adjacent pairs of edges R Ahlswede, GOH Katona Acta Mathematica Hungarica 32 (1-2), 97-120, 1978 | 163 | 1978 |
On a problem of Turán in the theory of graphs G Katona, T Nemetz, M Simonovits Mat. Lapok 15 (228-238), 1, 1964 | 155 | 1964 |
On a conjecture of Erdos and a stronger form of Sperner’s theorem GOH Katona Studia Sci. Math. Hungar 1, 59-63, 1966 | 140 | 1966 |
On separating systems of a finite set G Katona Journal of Combinatorial Theory 1 (2), 174-194, 1966 | 126 | 1966 |
Extremal problems for hypergraphs GOH Katona Combinatorics: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at …, 1975 | 121 | 1975 |
Contributions to the geometry of hamming spaces. R Ahlswede, GOH Katona Discret. Math. 17 (1), 1-22, 1977 | 118 | 1977 |
On a graph problem of Turán G Katona, T Nemetz, M Simonovits Mat. Lapok 15 (1–3), 228-238, 1964 | 110 | 1964 |
Combinatorial search problems GOH Katona A survey of combinatorial theory, 285-308, 1973 | 109 | 1973 |
Extremal problems with excluded subgraphs in the n-cube GOH Katona, TG Tarján Graph Theory: Proceedings of a Conference held in Łagów, Poland, February 10 …, 2006 | 104 | 2006 |
Minimum matrix representation of closure operations J Demetrovics, Z Füredi, GOH Katona Discrete Applied Mathematics 11 (2), 115-128, 1985 | 103 | 1985 |
Huffman codes and self-information G Katona, O Nemetz IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 22 (3), 337-340, 1976 | 84 | 1976 |
Largest family without a∪ b⊆ c∩ d A De Bonis, GOH Katona, KJ Swanepoel Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 111 (2), 331-336, 2005 | 81 | 2005 |
The Hamming-sphere has minimum boundary G Katona Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 10, 131-140, 1975 | 80 | 1975 |
A theorem of finite sets, Theory of graphs (Proc. Colloq., Tihany, 1966) G Katona Academic Press, New York, 1968 | 80 | 1968 |
On a problem of graph theory G Katona, E Szemerédi Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 2, 23-28, 1967 | 67 | 1967 |