Gary O'Brien
Gary O'Brien
Research Associate, Department of Geosciences, Utah State University, Logan.
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Geomorphic mapping and taxonomy of fluvial landforms
JM Wheaton, KA Fryirs, G Brierley, SG Bangen, N Bouwes, G O'Brien
Geomorphology 248, 273-295, 2015
The blurred line between form and process: a comparison of stream channel classification frameworks
A Kasprak, N Hough-Snee, T Beechie, N Bouwes, G Brierley, R Camp, ...
PloS one 11 (3), e0150293, 2016
Oxygen isotope composition of annually banded modern and mid-Holocene travertine and evidence of paleomonsoon floods, Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
GR O'Brien, DS Kaufman, WD Sharp, V Atudorei, RA Parnell, LJ Crossey
Quaternary Research 65 (3), 366-379, 2006
Mapping Valley Bottom Confinement at the Network Scale
GR O'Brien, JM Wheaton, K Fryirs, WW Macfarlane, G Brierley, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019
Late Quaternary spring-fed deposits of the Grand Canyon and their implication for deep lava-dammed lakes
DS Kaufman, G O'Brien, JI Mead, J Bright, P Umhoefer
Quaternary Research 58 (3), 329-340, 2002
A geomorphic assessment to inform strategic stream restoration planning in the Middle Fork John Day Watershed, Oregon, USA
GR O’Brien, J Wheaton, K Fryirs, P McHugh, N Bouwes, G Brierley, ...
Journal of Maps 13 (2), 369-381, 2017
Patterns in the landscape and erosion of cultural sites along the Colorado River Corridor in Grand Canyon, USA
JL Pederson, GR O'Brien
Geoarchaeology 29 (6), 431-447, 2014
River styles report for the Middle Fork John Day Watershed, Oregon
GO O’Brien, JM Wheaton
Logan (UT): Ecogeomorphology and Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, 2014
River Styles report for the Middle Fork John Day Watershed, Oregon–example report for exploring leveraging the River Styles Framework in tributary habitat management for the …
GR O’Brien, JM Wheaton
Ecogeomorphology and Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University …, 2015
Oxygen isotope composition of modern and mid-Holocene banded travertine, Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
G O'Brien, D Kaufman, W Sharp, V Atudorei, R Parnell, L Crossey
Quaternary Research 65, 366-379, 2006
Geomorphic attributes of 232 cultural sites along the colorado river in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
G O’Brien, J Pederson
Report to the US Geological Survey, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, 2009
Oxygen Isotope Composition of Banded Quaternary Travertine, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
GR O'Brien
Northern Arizona University, 2002
Evaluation of river beach carrying capacity information utilized by the Grand Canyon River Trip Simulator: analysis and rec ommendations for future study: Final report …
G O’Brien, C Roberts
Grand Canyon Science Center (CA8210-99-002), 1999
Choosing the Right Tool for the Job: Comparing Stream Channel Classification Frameworks
A Kasprak, N Hough-Snee, T Beechie, N Bouwes, GJ Brierley, R Camp, ...
For submission to Water Resources Research, 2015
Effects of Natural Flow, and Controlled-flow Releases from Glen Canyon Dam on Grand Canyon Beaches, 1999: A Continuation of a Repeat Photography Study by Grand Canyon River …
G O'Brien, K Burke, L Hamilton
Department of Geology, Northern Arizona University, 2000
Mis 3 was Wetter than you Might Think in the Northern Rockies
G Thackray, TM Rittenour, E Collins, G O'Brien
Geological Society of America Abstracts 53, 365123, 2021
Alluvial Fan Morphology, Chronology, and Faulting in the Southern Beaverhead Mountains, Idaho
E Collins, GD Thackray, TM Rittenour, S Gonzalez, G O'Brien
Geological Society of America Abstracts 52, 356950, 2020
Choosing the Right Tool for the Job: Comparing Stream Classification Frameworks
A Kasprak, N Hough-Snee, T Beechie, N Bouwes, G Brierley, R Camp, ...
145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 2015
The blurred line between form and process: a comparison of stream classification frameworks
A Kasprak, N Hough-Snee, T Beechie, N Bouwes, GJ Brierley, R Camp, ...
PeerJ PrePrints, 2015
The Arroyo Grande site of western Grand Canyon—Archaic to Proto-historic cultural features in detailed sedimentary-chronostratigraphic context
JL Pederson, GR O'Brien, TM Rittenour
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