Pat Scott
Pat Scott
Quantum Brilliance
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The chemical composition of the Sun
M Asplund, N Grevesse, AJ Sauval, P Scott
Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics 47 (2009), 481-522, 2009
Update on scalar singlet dark matter
JM Cline, P Scott, K Kainulainen, C Weniger
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (5), 055025, 2013
The chemical composition of the Sun
N Grevesse, M Asplund, AJ Sauval, P Scott
Canadian Journal of Physics 89 (4), 327-331, 2011
Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report
G Brooijmans, B Gripaios, F Moortgat, J Santiago, P Skands, ...
arXiv:1203.1488, 2012
The elemental composition of the Sun-II. The iron group elements Sc to Ni
P Scott, M Asplund, N Grevesse, M Bergemann, AJ Sauval
Astronomy & Astrophysics 573, A26, 2015
Improved limits on dark matter annihilation in the Sun with the 79-string IceCube detector and implications for supersymmetry
MG Aartsen, K Abraham, M Ackermann, J Adams, JA Aguilar, M Ahlers, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2016 (04), 022, 2016
Status of the scalar singlet dark matter model
GAMBIT Collaboration:, P Athron, C Balázs, T Bringmann, A Buckley, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-17, 2017
The elemental composition of the Sun-I. The intermediate mass elements Na to Ca
P Scott, N Grevesse, M Asplund, AJ Sauval, K Lind, Y Takeda, R Collet, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 573, A25, 2015
Improved constraints on the primordial power spectrum<? format?> at small scales from ultracompact minihalos
T Bringmann, P Scott, Y Akrami
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (12), 125027, 2012
The elemental composition of the Sun-III. The heavy elements Cu to Th
N Grevesse, P Scott, M Asplund, AJ Sauval
Astronomy & Astrophysics 573, A27, 2015
GAMBIT: the global and modular beyond-the-standard-model inference tool
GAMBIT collaboration, P Athron, C Balazs, T Bringmann, A Buckley, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-70, 2017
Global fits of GUT-scale SUSY models with GAMBIT
P Athron, C Balázs, T Bringmann, A Buckley, M Chrząszcz, J Conrad, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77 (12), 824, 2017
A realistic assessment of the CTA sensitivity to dark matter annihilation
H Silverwood, C Weniger, P Scott, G Bertone
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015 (03), 055, 2015
Global analyses of Higgs portal singlet dark matter models using GAMBIT
GAMBIT Collaboration:, P Athron, C Balázs, A Beniwal, S Bloor, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79, 1-28, 2019
Combined analysis of effective Higgs portal dark matter models
A Beniwal, F Rajec, C Savage, P Scott, C Weniger, M White, AG Williams
Physical Review D 93 (11), 115016, 2016
Direct constraints on minimal supersymmetry from Fermi-LAT observations of the dwarf galaxy Segue 1
P Scott, J Conrad, J Edsjö, L Bergström, C Farnier, Y Akrami
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (01), 031, 2010
Dark stars at the Galactic centre–the main sequence
P Scott, M Fairbairn, J Edsjö
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 394 (1), 82-104, 2009
A global fit of the MSSM with GAMBIT
P Athron, C Balázs, T Bringmann, A Buckley, M Chrząszcz, J Conrad, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77 (12), 879, 2017
Gamma rays from ultracompact primordial dark matter minihalos
P Scott, S Sivertsson
Physical Review Letters 103 (21), 211301, 2009
A profile likelihood analysis of the constrained MSSM with genetic algorithms
Y Akrami, P Scott, J Edsjö, J Conrad, L Bergström
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (4), 1-46, 2010
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