Ben Mason
Ben Mason
Kiti vardaiHenry B. Mason, H. Benjamin Mason, Henry Benjamin Mason
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Seismic soil–foundation–structure interaction observed in geotechnical centrifuge experiments
HB Mason, NW Trombetta, Z Chen, JD Bray, TC Hutchinson, BL Kutter
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 48, 162-174, 2013
Equivalent linear and nonlinear site response analysis for design and risk assessment of safety-related nuclear structures
C Bolisetti, AS Whittaker, HB Mason, I Almufti, M Willford
Nuclear Engineering and Design 275, 107-121, 2014
Nonlinear dynamic foundation and frame structure response observed in geotechnical centrifuge experiments
NW Trombetta, HB Mason, Z Chen, TC Hutchinson, JD Bray, BL Kutter
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50, 117-133, 2013
Geotechnical effects of the 2015 magnitude 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake and aftershocks
RES Moss, EM Thompson, D Scott Kieffer, B Tiwari, YMA Hashash, ...
Seismological Research Letters 86 (6), 1514-1523, 2015
Geotechnical field reconnaissance: Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake of April 25, 2015 and related shaking sequence
Y Hashash, B Tiwari, RES Moss, D Asimaki, KB Clahan, DS Kieffer, ...
Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaisance, 1, 2015
Sediment response to tsunami loading: Mechanisms and estimates
H Yeh, HB Mason
Geotechnique 64 (2), 131-143, 2014
Liquefaction at strong motion stations and in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
BR Cox, RW Boulanger, K Tokimatsu, CM Wood, A Abe, S Ashford, ...
Earthquake Spectra 29 (S1), S55-S80, 2013
A simplified three-dimensional shallow landslide susceptibility framework considering topography and seismicity
DM Hess, BA Leshchinsky, M Bunn, HB Mason, MJ Olsen
Landslides 14, 1677-1697, 2017
Nonlinear soil–foundation–structure and structure–soil–structure interaction: centrifuge test observations
NW Trombetta, HB Mason, TC Hutchinson, JD Zupan, JD Bray, BL Kutter
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (5), 04013057, 2014
Nonlinear soil–foundation–structure and structure–soil–structure interaction: engineering demands
NW Trombetta, HB Mason, TC Hutchinson, JD Zupan, JD Bray, BL Kutter
Journal of Structural Engineering 141 (7), 04014177, 2015
Multihazard earthquake and tsunami effects on soil–foundation–bridge systems
TJ Carey, HB Mason, AR Barbosa, MH Scott
Journal of Bridge Engineering 24 (4), 04019004-1-9, 2019
The 2023 US 50-State National Seismic Hazard Model: Overview and implications
MD Petersen, AM Shumway, PM Powers, EH Field, MP Moschetti, ...
Earthquake Spectra 40 (1), 5-88, 2024
East Palu Valley flowslides induced by the 2018 MW 7.5 Palu-Donggala earthquake
HB Mason, J Montgomery, AP Gallant, D Hutabarat, AN Reed, J Wartman, ...
Geomorphology 373, 107482, 2021
Observations and simulations of basin effects in the Kathmandu Valley during the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake sequence
D Asimaki, K Mohammadi, HB Mason, RK Adams, S Rajaure, D Khadka
Earthquake Spectra 33 (S1), S35-S53, 2017
Earthquake motion selection and calibration for use in a geotechnical centrifuge
HB Mason, JD Bray, BL Kutter, DW Wilson, BY Choy
Seventh International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, 361-366, 2010
Seismic performance assessment in dense urban environments
HB Mason
University of California, Berkeley, 2011
SSI-Bridge: Soil-bridge interaction during long-duration earthquake motions
AR Barbosa, HB Mason, K Romney
USDOT University Transportation Center for Federal Region 10 10 (2012-S-OSU …, 2014
The Sibalaya flowslide initiated by the 28 September 2018 Mw7.5 Palu-Donggala, Indonesia earthquake
AP Gallant, J Montgomery, HB Mason, D Hutabarat, AN Reed, J Wartman, ...
Landslides 17, 1925-1934, 2020
Seismic system identification using centrifuge-based soil-structure interaction test data
Z Chen, NW Trombetta, TC Hutchinson, HB Mason, JD Bray, BL Kutter
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 17 (4), 469-496, 2013
Seismic performance assessment in dense urban environments: Evaluation of nonlinear building foundation systems using centrifuge tests
ZQ Chen, TC Hutchinson, NW Trombetta, HB Mason, JD Bray, KC Jones, ...
Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake …, 2010
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