Jianping Wang
Jianping Wang
Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of AAIA, Chair Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A survey on platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical systems
D Jia, K Lu, J Wang, X Zhang, X Shen
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 18 (1), 263-284, 2015
News impact on stock price return via sentiment analysis
X Li, H Xie, L Chen, J Wang, X Deng
Knowledge-Based Systems 69, 14-23, 2014
On swarm intelligence inspired self-organized networking: its bionic mechanisms, designing principles and optimization approaches
Z Zhang, K Long, J Wang, F Dressler
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (1), 513-537, 2013
Hivt: Hierarchical vector transformer for multi-agent motion prediction
Z Zhou, L Ye, J Wang, K Wu, K Lu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Self-organization paradigms and optimization approaches for cognitive radio technologies: a survey
Z Zhang, K Long, J Wang
IEEE Wireless Communications 20 (2), 36-42, 2013
Query-centric trajectory prediction
Z Zhou, J Wang, YH Li, YK Huang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
A graph neural network framework for social recommendations
W Fan, Y Ma, Q Li, J Wang, G Cai, J Tang, D Yin
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34 (5), 2033-2047, 2020
Data fusion improves the coverage of wireless sensor networks
G Xing, R Tan, B Liu, J Wang, X Jia, CW Yi
Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2009
Efficient routing and wavelength assignment for multicast in WDM networks
B Chen, J Wang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 20 (1), 97-109, 2002
Cloud-assisted safety message dissemination in VANET–cellular heterogeneous wireless network
B Liu, D Jia, J Wang, K Lu, L Wu
ieee systems journal 11 (1), 128-139, 2015
Joint topology design and mapping of service function chains for efficient, scalable, and reliable network functions virtualization
Z Ye, X Cao, J Wang, H Yu, C Qiao
Ieee network 30 (3), 81-87, 2016
Multihop range-free localization in anisotropic wireless sensor networks: A pattern-driven scheme
Q Xiao, B Xiao, J Cao, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 9 (11), 1592-1607, 2010
Magic: A distributed max-gain in-network caching strategy in information-centric networks
J Ren, W Qi, C Westphal, J Wang, K Lu, S Liu, S Wang
2014 IEEE conference on computer communications workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2014
Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks With Mobile Sinks
W Liu, K Lu, J Wang, G Xing, L Huang
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 61 (6), 2777-2788, 2012
Deep social collaborative filtering
W Fan, Y Ma, D Yin, J Wang, J Tang, Q Li
Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on recommender systems, 305-313, 2019
MS-LSTM: A multi-scale LSTM model for BGP anomaly detection
M Cheng, Q Xu, LV Jianming, W Liu, Q Li, J Wang
2016 IEEE 24th international conference on network protocols (ICNP), 1-6, 2016
Exploiting data fusion to improve the coverage of wireless sensor networks
R Tan, G Xing, B Liu, J Wang, X Jia
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 20 (2), 450-462, 2011
A disturbance-adaptive design for VANET-enabled vehicle platoon
D Jia, K Lu, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (2), 527-539, 2014
On progressive network recovery after a major disruption
J Wang, C Qiao, H Yu
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1925-1933, 2011
Exploiting reactive mobility for collaborative target detection in wireless sensor networks
R Tan, G Xing, J Wang, HC So
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 9 (3), 317-332, 2009
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