Adriaan Barri
Adriaan Barri
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
From sparse coding significance to perceptual quality: A new approach for image quality assessment
A Ahar, A Barri, P Schelkens
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (2), 879-893, 2017
The near shift-invariance of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform revisited
A Barri, A Dooms, P Schelkens
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 389 (2), 1303-1314, 2012
A locally adaptive system for the fusion of objective quality measures
A Barri, A Dooms, B Jansen, P Schelkens
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (6), 2446-2458, 2014
Combining the best of perceptual quality metrics
A Barri, A Dooms, P Schelkens
Sixth International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for …, 2012
Robustness and prediction accuracy of machine learning for objective visual quality assessment
A Hines, P Kendrick, A Barri, M Narwaria, JA Redi
2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2130-2134, 2014
Data-driven modules for objective visual quality assessment focusing on benchmarking and SLAs
A Barri, A Dooms
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (1), 196-205, 2016
Reduced reference quality assessment based on watermarking and perceptual hashing
G Braeckman, A Barri, G Fodor, A Dooms, J Barbarien, P Schelkens, ...
Sixth International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for …, 2012
Interactive demonstrations of the locally adaptive fusion for combining objective quality measures
A Barri, A Dooms, P Schelkens
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2180-2182, 2014
A Customized Machine Learning Framework for Objective Visual Quality Assessment
A Barri
Method and apparatus for predicting the perceptual quality of a signal
A Barri, A Dooms, B Jansen, P Schelkens
Reliably combining quality indicators
A Barri, A Dooms, P Schelkens
Video Quality Experts Group, 2014
2014 Index IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Vol. 23
MO Ahmad, M Al-Shahri, AA Alatan, M Alberi Morel, JP Allebach, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (12), 5789, 2014
Reliably Combining Quality Measures: Is it possible?
A Barri, A Dooms, B Jansen, P Schelkens
6th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, QoMEX 2014, 2014
Perception and Quality Models for Images and Video Blind Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment: From Depth Perception to Overall Experience...........................
Z Chen, W Zhou, W Li, A Ahar, A Barri, P Schelkens, K Ishikura, N Kurita, ...
Generalized Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization..... Y. Hu, G. Ongie, S. Ramani, and M. Jacob 2423 Common Feature Discriminant Analysis for Matching Infrared …
Z Li, D Gong, Y Qiao, D Tao, A Barri, A Dooms, B Jansen, P Schelkens, ...
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