Alexander B. Phillips
Alexander B. Phillips
Head of Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems, National Oceanography Centre
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Development of a multi-scheme energy management strategy for a hybrid fuel cell driven passenger ship
AM Bassam, AB Phillips, SR Turnock, PA Wilson
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (1), 623-635, 2017
Modelling tidal current turbine wakes using a coupled RANS-BEMT approach as a tool for analysing power capture of arrays of turbines
SR Turnock, AB Phillips, J Banks, R Nicholls-Lee
Ocean Engineering 38 (11), 1300-1307, 2011
An improved energy management strategy for a hybrid fuel cell/battery passenger vessel
AM Bassam, AB Phillips, SR Turnock, PA Wilson
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (47), 22453-22464, 2016
Autonomous marine environmental monitoring: Application in decommissioned oil fields
DOB Jones, AR Gates, VAI Huvenne, AB Phillips, BJ Bett
Science of the total environment 668, 835-853, 2019
Evaluation of manoeuvring coefficients of a self-propelled ship using a blade element momentum propeller model coupled to a Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes flow solver
AB Phillips, SR Turnock, M Furlong
Ocean Engineering 36 (15-16), 1217-1225, 2009
The use of computational fluid dynamics to aid cost-effective hydrodynamic design of autonomous underwater vehicles
AB Phillips, SR Turnock, M Furlong
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2010
Depth control for an over-actuated, hover-capable autonomous underwater vehicle with experimental verification
K Tanakitkorn, PA Wilson, SR Turnock, AB Phillips
Mechatronics 41, 67-81, 2017
Terrain‐aided navigation for long‐endurance and deep‐rated autonomous underwater vehicles
G Salavasidis, A Munafo, CA Harris, T Prampart, R Templeton, M Smart, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 36 (2), 447-474, 2019
Influence of turbulence closure models on the vortical flow field around a submarine body undergoing steady drift
AB Phillips, SR Turnock, M Furlong
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 15 (3), 201-217, 2010
The use of computational fluid dynamics to determine the dynamic stability of an autonomous underwater vehicle
AB Phillips, M Furlong, SR Turnock
Numerical Towing Tank Conference, 2007
Model predictive control of a hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle with experimental verification
LV Steenson, SR Turnock, AB Phillips, C Harris, ME Furlong, E Rogers, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2014
Accurate capture of rudder-propeller interaction using a coupled blade element momentum-RANS approach
AB Phillips, SR Turnock, ME Furlong
Ship Technology Research (Schiffstechnik) 57 (2), 128-139, 2010
Sliding mode heading control of an overactuated, hover‐capable autonomous underwater vehicle with experimental verification
K Tanakitkorn, PA Wilson, SR Turnock, AB Phillips
Journal of Field Robotics 35 (3), 396-415, 2018
The use of computational fluid dynamics to assess the hull resistance of concept autonomous underwater vehicles
AB Phillips, M Furlong, SR Turnock
OCEANS 2007-Europe, 1-6, 2007
Improving the modularity of auv control systems using behaviour trees
CI Sprague, Ö Özkahraman, A Munafo, R Marlow, A Phillips, P Ögren
2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV), 1-6, 2018
Autosub Long Range 6000: A multiple-month endurance AUV for deep-ocean monitoring and survey
D Roper, CA Harris, G Salavasidis, M Pebody, R Templeton, T Prampart, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 46 (4), 1179-1191, 2021
Autosub Long Range 1500: an ultra-endurance AUV with 6000 Km range
DT Roper, AB Phillips, CA Harris, G Salavasidis, M Pebody, R Templeton, ...
Oceans 17, 2017
Influence of drift angle on the computation of hull–propeller–rudder interaction
CE Badoe, AB Phillips, SR Turnock
Ocean Engineering 103, 64-77, 2015
DELPHIN2: an over actuated autonomous underwater vehicle for manoeuvring research
AB Phillips, L Steenson, J Liu, CA Harris, SM Sharkh, E Rogers, ...
International Journal of Maritime Engineering 155 (A4), 171-180, 2013
Ship speed prediction based on machine learning for efficient shipping operation
AM Bassam, AB Phillips, SR Turnock, PA Wilson
Ocean Engineering 245, 110449, 2022
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