Krishnapriya subramonian rajasree
Krishnapriya subramonian rajasree
Postdoctoral researcher
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Generation of cold Rydberg atoms at submicron distances from an optical nanofiber
KS Rajasree, T Ray, K Karlsson, JL Everett, SN Chormaic
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 012038, 2020
Observation of the 87Rb 5S1/2 to 4D3/2 electric quadrupole transition at 516.6 nm mediated via an optical nanofibre
T Ray, RK Gupta, V Gokhroo, JL Everett, T Nieddu, KS Rajasree, ...
New Journal of Physics 22 (6), 062001, 2020
Simple, narrow, and robust atomic frequency reference at 993 nm exploiting the rubidium (Rb) 5S1/2 to 6S1/2 transition using one-color two-photon excitation
T Nieddu, T Ray, KS Rajasree, R Roy, SN Chormaic
Optics express 27 (5), 6528-6535, 2019
Spin selection in single-frequency two-photon excitation of alkali-metal atoms
KS Rajasree, RK Gupta, V Gokhroo, F Le Kien, T Nieddu, T Ray, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033341, 2020
1.6 GHz Frequency Scanning of a 482 nm Laser Stabilized Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
KS Rajasree, K Karlsson, T Ray, SN Chormaic
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 33 (15), 780-783, 2021
Spin selection rule for {\it S} level transitions in atomic rubidium under paraxial and nonparaxial two-photon excitation
KS Rajasree, RK Gupta, V Gokhroo, FL Kien, T Nieddu, T Ray, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07685, 2020
Rydberg Excitation and Other Multiphoton Processes in Cold Rubidium Atoms Near an Optical Nanofibre
KPS Rajasree
Formation of Rydberg Atoms near an Optical Nanofiber
KS Rajasree, T Ray, K Karlsson, SN Chormaic
Laser Science, JW3A. 34, 2019
A simple, narrow, and robust atomic frequency reference at 993 nm exploiting the rubidium (Rb) to transition using one-color two-photon excitation
T Nieddu, T Ray, KS Rajasree, R Roy, SN Chormaic
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.07874, 2018
Ultrathin Optical Fibers for Probing and Manipulating Neutral Atoms
T Nieddu, KS Rajasree, RK Gupta, A Krishnadas, T Ray, J Du, W Li, ...
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, Tu3G. 5, 2018
Neutral 87Rb atoms near the surface of optical nanofibres
SN Chormaic, T Nieddu, KS Rajasree, R Kumar, V Gokhroo, T Ray, J Du
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 3971-3971, 2016
Quantum Networks based on Cold Rydberg Atoms and an Optical Nanofiber
KS Rajasree, T Ray, SN Chormaic
Frontiers in Optics, FW3D. 4, 2015
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