Merete Grung
Merete Grung
Senior research scientist at NIVA (Norwegian Institute for Water Research)
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Pesticide levels and environmental risk in aquatic environments in China—A review
M Grung, Y Lin, H Zhang, AO Steen, J Huang, G Zhang, T Larssen
Environment International 81, 87-97, 2015
Environmental assessment of Norwegian priority pharmaceuticals based on the EMEA guideline
M Grung, T Källqvist, S Sakshaug, S Skurtveit, KV Thomas
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71 (2), 328-340, 2008
Occurrence and removal of selected organic micropollutants at mechanical, chemical and advanced wastewater treatment plants in Norway
C Vogelsang, M Grung, TG Jantsch, KE Tollefsen, H Liltved
Water research 40 (19), 3559-3570, 2006
Environmental risk assessment of combined effects in aquatic ecotoxicology: a discussion paper
J Beyer, K Petersen, Y Song, A Ruus, M Grung, T Bakke, KE Tollefsen
Marine environmental research 96, 81-91, 2014
Algal Carotenoids 51. Secondary carotenoids 2.Haematococcus pluvialis aplanospores as a source of (3S, 3′S)-astaxanthin esters
M Grung, FML D'Souza, M Borowitzka, S Liaaen-Jensen
Journal of Applied Phycology 4, 165-171, 1992
Spectrophotometric analysis of pigments: a critical assessment of a high-throughput method for analysis of algal pigment mixtures by spectral deconvolution
JE Thrane, M Kyle, M Striebel, S Haande, M Grung, T Rohrlack, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0137645, 2015
Uptake rates of alkylphenols, PAHs and carbazoles in semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS)
C Harman, KE Tollefsen, O Bøyum, K Thomas, M Grung
Chemosphere 72 (10), 1510-1516, 2008
Amines and amine-related compounds in surface waters: a review of sources, concentrations and aquatic toxicity
AE Poste, M Grung, RF Wright
Science of the total environment 481, 274-279, 2014
Biomarkers in natural fish populations indicate adverse biological effects of offshore oil production
L Balk, K Hylland, T Hansson, MHG Berntssen, J Beyer, G Jonsson, ...
PLoS One 6 (5), e19735, 2011
Effects-directed analysis of organic toxicants in wastewater effluent from Zagreb, Croatia
M Grung, R Lichtenthaler, M Ahel, KE Tollefsen, K Langford, KV Thomas
Chemosphere 67 (1), 108-120, 2007
Primary and secondary carotenoids in two races of the green alga Botryococcus braunii
M Grung, P Metzger, S Liaaen-jensen
Biochemical systematics and ecology 17 (4), 263-269, 1989
Small but different effect of fouling on the uptake rates of semipermeable membrane devices and polar organic chemical integrative samplers
C Harman, O Bøyum, KV Thomas, M Grung
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28 (11), 2324-2332, 2009
Passive sampling for target and nontarget analyses of moderately polar and nonpolar substances in water
IJ Allan, C Harman, SB Ranneklev, KV Thomas, M Grung
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 32 (8), 1718-1726, 2013
Monitoring the freely dissolved concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and alkylphenols (AP) around a Norwegian oil platform by holistic passive sampling
C Harman, KV Thomas, KE Tollefsen, S Meier, O Bøyum, M Grung
Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 (11), 1671-1679, 2009
Differential gene expression and biomarkers in zebrafish (Danio rerio) following exposure to produced water components
TF Holth, R Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, M Blæsbjerg, M Grung, H Holbech, ...
Aquatic toxicology 90 (4), 277-291, 2008
Pharmacokinetic differences of morphine and morphine-glucuronides are reflected in locomotor activity
M Handal, M Grung, S Skurtveit, Å Ripel, J Mørland
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 73 (4), 883-892, 2002
Rearrest rates among Norwegian drugged drivers compared with drunken drivers
AS Christophersen, S Skurtveit, M Grung, J Mørland
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 66 (1), 85-92, 2002
Water column monitoring of the biological effects of produced water from the Ekofisk offshore oil installation from 2006 to 2009
SJ Brooks, C Harman, M Grung, E Farmen, A Ruus, S Vingen, BF Godal, ...
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 74 (7-9), 582-604, 2011
Biomarker responses in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to produced water from a North Sea oil field: Laboratory and field assessments
RC Sundt, A Ruus, H Jonsson, H Skarphéðinsdóttir, S Meier, M Grung, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 64 (1), 144-152, 2012
Field comparison of passive sampling and biological approaches for measuring exposure to PAH and alkylphenols from offshore produced water discharges
C Harman, S Brooks, RC Sundt, S Meier, M Grung
Marine pollution bulletin 63 (5-12), 141-148, 2011
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