Marie Lallier
Marie Lallier
Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Out‐of‐synchrony speech entrainment in developmental dyslexia
N Molinaro, M Lizarazu, M Lallier, M Bourguignon, M Carreiras
Human brain mapping 37 (8), 2767-2783, 2016
Neural dissociation of phonological and visual attention span disorders in developmental dyslexia: FMRI evidence from two case reports
C Peyrin, M Lallier, JF Demonet, C Pernet, M Baciu, JF Le Bas, S Valdois
Brain and language 120 (3), 381-394, 2012
Behavioral and ERP evidence for amodal sluggish attentional shifting in developmental dyslexia
M Lallier, MJ Tainturier, B Dering, S Donnadieu, S Valdois, G Thierry
Neuropsychologia 48 (14), 4125-4135, 2010
Dyslexia in a French–Spanish bilingual girl: behavioural and neural modulations following a visual attention span intervention
S Valdois, C Peyrin, D Lassus-Sangosse, M Lallier, JF Démonet, ...
Cortex 53, 120-145, 2014
A case study of developmental phonological dyslexia: Is the attentional deficit in the perception of rapid stimuli sequences amodal?
M Lallier, S Donnadieu, C Berger, S Valdois
cortex 46 (2), 231-241, 2010
Cross-linguistic transfer in bilinguals reading in two alphabetic orthographies: The grain size accommodation hypothesis
M Lallier, M Carreiras
Psychonomic bulletin & review 25, 386-401, 2018
Developmental evaluation of atypical auditory sampling in dyslexia: Functional and structural evidence
M Lizarazu, M Lallier, N Molinaro, M Bourguignon, PM Paz‐Alonso, ...
Human brain mapping 36 (12), 4986-5002, 2015
Impact of orthographic transparency on typical and atypical reading development: Evidence in French-Spanish bilingual children
M Lallier, S Valdois, D Lassus-Sangosse, C Prado, S Kandel
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (5), 1177-1190, 2014
Enhancing reading performance through action video games: The role of visual attention span
A Antzaka, M Lallier, S Meyer, J Diard, M Carreiras, S Valdois
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14563, 2017
Auditory and visual stream segregation in children and adults: an assessment of the amodality assumption of the ‘sluggish attentional shifting’theory of dyslexia
M Lallier, G Thierry, MJ Tainturier, S Donnadieu, C Peyrin, C Billard, ...
Brain research 1302, 132-147, 2009
Phase− amplitude coupling between theta and gamma oscillations adapts to speech rate
M Lizarazu, M Lallier, N Molinaro
Annals of the new York Academy of Sciences 1453 (1), 140-152, 2019
Oscillatory “temporal sampling” and developmental dyslexia: toward an over-arching theoretical framework
U Goswami, AJ Power, M Lallier, A Facoetti
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 904, 2014
Cross‐linguistic interactions influence reading development in bilinguals: a comparison between early balanced French‐Basque and Spanish‐Basque bilingual children
M Lallier, J Acha, M Carreiras
Developmental science 19 (1), 76-89, 2016
What bilateral damage of the superior parietal lobes tells us about visual attention disorders in developmental dyslexia
S Valdois, D Lassus-Sangosse, M Lallier, O Moreaud, L Pisella
Neuropsychologia 130, 78-91, 2019
Developmental dyslexia: exploring how much phonological and visual attention span disorders are linked to simultaneous auditory processing deficits
M Lallier, S Donnadieu, S Valdois
Annals of dyslexia 63, 97-116, 2013
Investigating the role of visual and auditory search in reading and developmental dyslexia
M Lallier, S Donnadieu, S Valdois
Amodal atypical neural oscillatory activity in dyslexia: A cross-linguistic perspective
M Lallier, N Molinaro, M Lizarazu, M Bourguignon, M Carreiras
Clinical Psychological Science 5 (2), 379-401, 2017
Cross-language modulation of visual attention span: an Arabic-French-Spanish comparison in skilled adult readers
FHR Awadh, T Phénix, A Antzaka, M Lallier, M Carreiras, S Valdois
Frontiers in psychology 7, 307, 2016
Orthographic transparency modulates the grain size of orthographic processing: behavioral and ERP evidence from bilingualism
M Lallier, M Carreiras, MJ Tainturier, N Savill, G Thierry
Brain research 1505, 47-60, 2013
Impaired neural response to speech edges in dyslexia
M Lizarazu, M Lallier, M Bourguignon, M Carreiras, N Molinaro
Cortex 135, 207-218, 2021
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