Wireless communications A Goldsmith Cambridge university press, 2005 | 18114 | 2005 |
Capacity limits of MIMO channels A Goldsmith, SA Jafar, N Jindal, S Vishwanath IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications 21 (5), 684-702, 2003 | 3160 | 2003 |
Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels AJ Goldsmith, SG Chua IEEE transactions on communications 45 (10), 1218-1230, 1997 | 3142 | 1997 |
Breaking spectrum gridlock with cognitive radios: An information theoretic perspective A Goldsmith, SA Jafar, I Maric, S Srinivasa Proceedings of the IEEE 97 (5), 894-914, 2009 | 2920 | 2009 |
Capacity of fading channels with channel side information AJ Goldsmith, PP Varaiya IEEE transactions on information theory 43 (6), 1986-1992, 1997 | 2547 | 1997 |
On the optimality of multiantenna broadcast scheduling using zero-forcing beamforming T Yoo, A Goldsmith IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 24 (3), 528-541, 2006 | 2537 | 2006 |
Energy-efficiency of MIMO and cooperative MIMO techniques in sensor networks S Cui, AJ Goldsmith, A Bahai IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 22 (6), 1089-1098, 2004 | 2242 | 2004 |
Duality, achievable rates, and sum-rate capacity of Gaussian MIMO broadcast channels S Vishwanath, N Jindal, A Goldsmith IEEE Transactions on information theory 49 (10), 2658-2668, 2003 | 2135 | 2003 |
Energy-constrained modulation optimization S Cui, AJ Goldsmith, A Bahai IEEE transactions on wireless communications 4 (5), 2349-2360, 2005 | 1826 | 2005 |
Degrees of freedom in adaptive modulation: a unified view ST Chung, AJ Goldsmith IEEE Transactions on Communications 49 (9), 1561-1571, 2001 | 1673 | 2001 |
Design challenges for energy-constrained ad hoc wireless networks AJ Goldsmith, SB Wicker IEEE wireless communications 9 (4), 8-27, 2002 | 1532 | 2002 |
MIMO wireless communications E Biglieri, R Calderbank, A Constantinides, A Goldsmith, A Paulraj, ... Cambridge university press, 2007 | 1521 | 2007 |
Orthogonal time frequency space modulation R Hadani, S Rakib, M Tsatsanis, A Monk, AJ Goldsmith, AF Molisch, ... 2017 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2017 | 1474 | 2017 |
Adaptive coded modulation for fading channels AJ Goldsmith, SG Chua IEEE Transactions on communications 46 (5), 595-602, 1998 | 1306 | 1998 |
Capacity of Rayleigh fading channels under different adaptive transmission and diversity-combining techniques MS Alouini, AJ Goldsmith IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology 48 (4), 1165-1181, 1999 | 1198 | 1999 |
Adaptive modulation over Nakagami fading channels MS Alouini, AJ Goldsmith Wireless Personal Communications 13, 119-143, 2000 | 999 | 2000 |
Multi-antenna downlink channels with limited feedback and user selection T Yoo, N Jindal, A Goldsmith IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25 (7), 1478-1491, 2007 | 937 | 2007 |
Capacity and power allocation for fading MIMO channels with channel estimation error T Yoo, A Goldsmith IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (5), 2203-2214, 2006 | 894 | 2006 |
Capacity regions for wireless ad hoc networks S Toumpis, AJ Goldsmith IEEE transactions on Wireless Communications 2 (4), 736-748, 2003 | 862 | 2003 |
Sum power iterative water-filling for multi-antenna Gaussian broadcast channels N Jindal, W Rhee, S Vishwanath, SA Jafar, A Goldsmith IEEE transactions on Information Theory 51 (4), 1570-1580, 2005 | 772 | 2005 |