Xia Xingyu
Xia Xingyu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Multifunctional tendon-mimetic hydrogels
M Sun, H Li, Y Hou, N Huang, X Xia, H Zhu, Q Xu, Y Lin, L Xu
Science Advances 9 (7), eade6973, 2023
Microscopic local stiffening in a supramolecular hydrogel network expedites stem cell mechanosensing in 3D and bone regeneration
W Yuan, H Wang, C Fang, Y Yang, X Xia, B Yang, Y Lin, G Li, L Bian
Materials Horizons 8 (6), 1722-1734, 2021
Strontium chondroitin sulfate/silk fibroin blend membrane containing microporous structure modulates macrophage responses for guided bone regeneration
M Fenbo, X Xingyu, T Bin
Carbohydrate polymers 213, 266-275, 2019
Sr/PTA metal organic framework as a drug delivery system for osteoarthritis treatment
Z Li, Y Peng, X Xia, Z Cao, Y Deng, B Tang
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 17570, 2019
The effect of the nanoparticle shape on T cell activation
J Oh, X Xia, WKR Wong, SHD Wong, W Yuan, H Wang, CHN Lai, Y Tian, ...
Small 18 (36), 2107373, 2022
Rapid Plastic Deformation of Cancer Cells Correlates with High Metastatic Potential
Z Yan, X Xia, WC Cho, DW Au, X Shao, C Fang, Y Tian, Y Lin
Advanced Healthcare Materials 11 (8), 2101657, 2022
A Versatile, Incubator‐Compatible, Monolithic GaN Photonic Chipscope for Label‐Free Monitoring of Live Cell Activities
Y Hou, J Jing, Y Luo, F Xu, W Xie, L Ma, X Xia, Q Wei, Y Lin, KH Li, Z Chu
Advanced Science 9 (17), 2200910, 2022
A novel electroporation system for living cell staining and membrane dynamics interrogation
Y Zhang, Z Yan, X Xia, Y Lin
Micromachines 11 (8), 767, 2020
Beading of injured axons driven by tension-and adhesion-regulated membrane shape instability
X Shao, MH Sørensen, X Xia, C Fang, TH Hui, RCC Chang, Z Chu, Y Lin
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (168), 20200331, 2020
Membrane Repairing Capability of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells Is Regulated by Drug Resistance and Epithelial-Mesenchymal-Transition
X Xia, H Yang, DWY Au, SPH Lai, Y Lin, WCS Cho
Membranes 12 (4), 428, 2022
Modelling Nuclear Morphology and Shape Transformation: A Review
C Fang, J Yao, X Xia, Y Lin
Membranes 11 (7), 540, 2021
Invasiveness-dependent mechanical plasticity of cancer cells
X Xia, Z Yan, WC Cho, Y Lin
Cancer Research 82 (12_Supplement), 6002-6002, 2022
Rapid Plastic Deformation of Cancer Cells Correlates with High Metastatic Potential (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 8/2022)
Z Yan, X Xia, WC Cho, DW Au, X Shao, C Fang, Y Tian, Y Lin
Advanced Healthcare Materials 11 (8), 2270040, 2022
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