Jason Rydberg
The effect of higher education on police behavior
J Rydberg, W Terrill
Police quarterly 13 (1), 92-120, 2010
The effect and implications of sex offender residence restrictions: Evidence from a two‐state evaluation
BM Huebner, KR Kras, J Rydberg, TS Bynum, E Grommon, ...
Criminology & Public Policy 13 (1), 139-168, 2014
Organizational factors, environmental climate, and job satisfaction among police in Slovenia
MK Nalla, J Rydberg, G Meško
European Journal of Criminology 8 (2), 144-156, 2011
Punitive attitudes toward individuals convicted of sex offenses: A vignette study
KM Socia, J Rydberg, CP Dum
Justice quarterly 38 (6), 1262-1289, 2021
Anticipated Stigma and Defensive Individualism During Postincarceration Job Searching
B Ray, E Grommon, J Rydberg
Sociological Inquiry 86 (3), 348-371, 2016
The effect of statewide residency restrictions on sex offender post-release housing mobility
J Rydberg, E Grommon, BM Huebner, T Bynum
Justice Quarterly 31 (2), 421-444, 2014
Victim lifestyle as a correlate of homicide clearance
J Rydberg, JM Pizarro
Homicide studies 18 (4), 342-362, 2014
Public support for emergency shelter housing interventions concerning stigmatized populations: Results from a factorial survey
CP Dum, KM Socia, J Rydberg
Criminology & Public Policy 16 (3), 835-877, 2017
Variation in the incarceration length-recidivism dose–response relationship
J Rydberg, K Clark
Journal of Criminal Justice 46, 118-128, 2016
Does sentence type and length matter? Interactions of age, race, ethnicity, and gender on jail and prison sentences
M Cassidy, J Rydberg
Criminal Justice and Behavior 47 (1), 61-79, 2020
A quasi-experimental synthetic control evaluation of a place-based police-directed patrol intervention on violent crime
J Rydberg, EF McGarrell, A Norris, G Circo
Journal of Experimental Criminology 14, 83-109, 2018
Nobody gives a#% &!: A factorial survey examining the effect of criminological evidence on opposition to sex offender residence restrictions
J Rydberg, CP Dum, KM Socia
Journal of Experimental Criminology 14, 541-550, 2018
Punishing the Wicked: Examining the Correlates of Sentence Severity for Convicted Sex Offenders
J Rydberg, M Cassidy, KM Socia
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2017
Employment and housing challenges experienced by sex offenders during reentry on parole
J Rydberg
Corrections 3 (1), 15-37, 2018
Contextual influences on the sentencing of individuals convicted of sexual crimes
L Thompson, J Rydberg, M Cassidy, KM Socia
Sexual Abuse 32 (7), 778-805, 2020
Correcting neuromyths: A comparison of different types of refutations
MPG Lithander, L Geraci, M Karaca, J Rydberg
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 10 (4), 577-588, 2021
Turning a Blind Eye: Public Support of Emergency Housing Policies for Sex Offenders
KM Socia, CP Dum, J Rydberg
Sexual Abuse 31 (1), 25-49, 2019
The effect of institutional educational programming on prisoner misconduct
K Clark, J Rydberg
Criminal Justice Studies 29 (4), 325-344, 2016
Does GPS supervision of intimate partner violence defendants reduce pretrial misconduct? Evidence from a quasi-experimental study
E Grommon, J Rydberg, JG Carter
Journal of experimental criminology 13, 483-504, 2017
An evaluation of sex offender residency restrictions in Michigan and Missouri
BM Huebner, TS Bynum, J Rydberg, K Kras, E Grommon, B Pleggenkuhle
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